Krib Fry


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2003
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My Kribs spawned on Sunday laying eggs in the back of an upturned half-flower pot. Last night I noticed the male removing lots of gravel from the back of the pot and all the eggs have disappeared from the pot (they were sticking to it). Both parents are still guarding the pot. The female hasnt been out that much and i was afraid she wasnt getting enough food. This morning she was out round the tank probably looking for food so i tried to fed her with cichlid sinking food. However all the other fish like this too and a lot of it fell right at the cave entrance. The female was then not interested in the food but only in fending off the other fish. I had to leave for work and both parents were chasing fish away from the cave entrance, though things had calmed down a lot before I left. However, I noticed a little white ball on top of one of my pieces of wood and it was wiggling about. I think this one had come out on the mother and it was like a large white yolk sack which looked like it had a tale. Does this mean that the eggs have hatched and fallen into the nest prepared by the kribs? When will the fry be free swimming? and most importantly how can i protect them from being eaten by other fish when they are free swimming. So far no other fish have been in the cave and I dont think they are aware that there is fry in there but when the mother brings them out they will all know.
congrads on ur krib fry
i would say if you really wanna keep the fry and not have them eaten the buy a tank divider and then they should be fine but remember they parents might eat they fry this can happen sometimes

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