

Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2003
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well by now i bet most of u are fed up with me and my kribs lmao
anyways what i wanted to know is if i do take my male away from his fry and put him in a diffrent tank with a new female would he kill her or possibly pair up?
his female who had his fry sadly died about 2 weeks after the fry came out of unknow reasons she was fine the night b4 was eating but the nexted day she was dead :(
:fish: best to leave him with the fry until he loses interest in them or he may decide the new female is responsible for thier disappearance and kill her
he doesnt do anything for them now just gards them he dont help feed them any more
:fish: That's his job description, "Guard baby fish". When he stops gathering them together to keep them safe you can move him safely. :D
Make sure you move him into her tank not the other way around. :D
They will scrap for a time as the famale starts fights with the male to determine if he's strong enough to guard her babies :D
he dont move them i mean he gards em from the other fish he can c across the room he charges at the glass

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