please help!!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2003
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can someone please help me i want to grow my own blood worms as my fish shop never has any
any help on this will be great
small_fry said:
can someone please help me i want to grow my own blood worms as my fish shop never has any
any help on this will be great
Why not just dig up some garden worms, clean them off, freeze them and snap a bit off a required :thumbs:

My clown loaches and angels love them :p
well i want them to fatten up my bettas for breeding but can i use worms as well?
:fish: Hiya small fry, it's a bit early in the year for growing bloodworms, they are the larvae of midges. :D
They adult midge lays its eggs on the surface of some water(pond/paddling pool/bucket) and when they hatch the larvae makes its way to the bottom of the water and builds itself a mud cocoon to keep it safe from predators. :thumbs:
This usually happens in early spring and will continue until the first frost. :D
You will also get mosquito larvae (black and slightly bristly, hangs upside-down in the water), glassworms(about 1 in long and see-through,can't remember what they come from, not safe with fry though) and if you put a bag full of daphnia in there they will grow as well(throw in some lettuce leaves or old banana skins). :)
If you like I have a sheet on how to set up this type of food factory, pm me with your email address and I'll send it on for you and anyone else who's interested:D

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