new angles


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2003
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just got 6 new angle fish they range from about 5inch to 7inch
and was woundering if u can tell sexes or is there a chance that there is a male and female
any help would be gr8 thanks
I think it's pretty hard to tell the difference but with 6 of them you have a good chance of having both sexes in some number.

I know that sometimes males can have a sort of bump on their head. One of my angels has got it.

You must have a pretty big tank for 6 angels, I am green with envy!! LOL
yea this tank is 4ft long 18high and 2ft wide
hope its okay them in that size tank what u think?
The bump on the head thing is a myth. The only way you can sex them is when they get sexually mature and it's done during mating. The male will have his genitalia (forgot what it's called) being more prominent.
crazie.eddie said:
The bump on the head thing is a myth. The only way you can sex them is when they get sexually mature and it's done during mating. The male will have his genitalia (forgot what it's called) being more prominent.
One of mine has a bump and the other mature one does not.

You have around a 95% chance of having at least one pair.

Those rod-like genitalia (I read a book on breeding them, but I didn't memorize the name of these organs!) only protrude from the fish when they are in the mood to mate. One of the pair sticks it out before the other, but I'm not sure which gender does this first...

Sorry I couldn't really help you.

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