Search results

  1. X

    Electric Blue Ram

    I know, I was stunned too. I had to get him. Unfortunanetly, there was no females with them in the lfs. I got him in Long Island, NY, where I live. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before there nationwide. BTW, he's doing great now. Maybe he just needed some time to adjust. Hopefully...
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    Electric Blue Ram

    Thank you for all your help. Sorry I didn't get back to u sooner. Anyway here's a pic of the lil' guy:
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    Electric Blue Ram

    It's been a week now. I took my time carefully acclimating him, since they are sensitive fish. 80 degrees F. My main problem is I can't seem to keep them longer than 6 month's. They go into this rapid breathing mode and darken up with brilliant color , and the last phase is stop eating and...
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    Electric Blue Ram

    Angels, cardinals, rummy noses, danios, pearl gourami, and celebes rainbows. He's bottom dwelling like he should be and eating. No other bottom dwelling chiclids.
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    Electric Blue Ram

    Hi all, I have an Electric Blue Ram (New breed), like the German Blue, with heavy fast breathing. My stats: Amm 0ppm NitrItres 0ppm NitrAtes 20ppm GH 4dGH PH 6.7 72g bow front - a sucessful -heavily planted community tank. He is the only ram in there. Although, this is a new breed, I find I...
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    Thank you both for the reply and the links. I guess I'll start experimenting with some crushed coral in the filter. Just wish there was a certain weight or amount that you can rasie the ph of how many gallons of water and degrees of hardness. Thanks again.
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    I guess everybody uses baking soda to raise ph???
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    Hi all, My tap water is neutral and soft, 2dKH and 4 dGH. I add baking soda when the PH drops trying to maintain a 7.0 ph and add epson salt to harden the water around 8dGH. Is there something I can add to the filter to help buffer and maintain a neutral ph, instead of always adding baking...
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    Thanks, for the advice. I heard some good things about garlic but, never actually tried it. I will definetly try it and see how it works out. Thanks, again.
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    I recently acquired 2 copper/red Oscars. Someone gave me them with a 55g tank. When taking down the tank for transport, I noticed the tank has been neglected. The water was filthy, but the Oscars had no visible sign of disease. I cleaned the tank and set it up at my house. The filter is...
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    Bacteria Bloom

    Thank you, Glod, that's the answer I was looking for.
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    Bacteria Bloom

    I'm not to worried about it, I'm just trying to understand what happens in the process. My tank is planted as well and I keep up with the normal weekly WC's. I know rearranging plants can stir up some crap in the water, but even when nothing is disturbed it still happens in a tank that's not...
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    Bacteria Bloom

    What exactly is a bacterial bloom? I've had them in the past and I'm just wondering what is the cause and what is exactly happening during this process. My levels read good at the time NH3 0ppm, NO2 0ppm, and NO3 30ppm. My water was slightly cloudy.
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    Body Fungus

    Is fungus contagious? If it is, would a UV light help stop the spread?
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    Python Water Siphon

    Same here...never had a problem...I use Seachem Prime.
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    Aquarium Magazines In The Us?

    There's also AQUARIUM Mag in the US. I havent read it in years so I can't comment how good it is.
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    Angel Fish

    Most fish loose there color when they sleep,
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    Dyed Fish?

    The shark will chase the hell out of the SAE!
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    Fish Tank Maintenance

    Durbkat, you should really pick up some new Dechloranator. Try some Stress Coat or Seachem Prime. Water that sit for 24hrs on its own will out gas chlorine. That stuff sucks. I know it was brought up before that you needed to do a emergency water change and you couldn't 'cause you had to let...
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    Waterflow Over Biomedia

    The bacteria should not die off if the ammonia and nitrite levels are the same. A slower rate will just take longer to rid these toxicity levels. The important thing is that your filter is getting enough oxygenated water to keep the bacteria alive. I have a trickle filter which promotes...
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    Fish Tank Maintenance

    I do it once a week, usually on Fridays when I'm off. My girlfriend calls it "fish day". If I let it go more than a week my planted tank turn into a jungle. It usually take me 3 hours to do all my tanks. I feel good after I do it though, like I'm doing a good service for the fish. keeping...
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    Quiet Filter For A 20gl?

    I have both Aquaclears and Whispers. What I like about the whispers is the outake is deeper so there is less of a water trickle noise when the water level drops. The ultimate would be a Fluval or Eheim canister.
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    Poll: Flake Food For Tropical Community

    I've tried Tetra Pro Crisps, but the smaller fish like neons and rummy noses seem to have trouble with it, even if I crumble it. I want to rotate a different flake food besides Tetramin with my frozen treats such as Brine shrimp, bloodworms and Tubifex.
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    Best Flake Fish Food?

    I was curious about this too, so I started a poll in a new thread.
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    Poll: Flake Food For Tropical Community

    I normally feed my community take with TetraMin flake and they do love it. I was curious to try Some new flake food such as Aquarian or Ocean Nutrition. Has anyone tried Aquarian or Ocean Nutrition with positive results? All my fish don't seem to enjoy granule foods such as Bio Blend or...
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    Dear Santa

    I just came back from the North Pole and I'm happy to report Santa is working on your list! :nod:
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    Weight Of Tank.

    A 55 gal tank weighs 78 lbs. empty. With water it weighs 625 lbs.
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    Hmmmmmmm Who’s Right Me Or Lfs

    Not true. Even if you seed a new tank it still takes time for the bacteria to colonize your new tank and finish its cycle.
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    Shrimp, Shrimp And More Shrimp!

    I have a FW bamboo shrimp too. Unlike your skunk cleaner the bamboo shrimp is a filter feeder. I take a little flake food and crush it into a powder and dump it in when I see him trying to catch food out by the filter output. So far I've had good luck with him. He's doing well and I had him...
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    Gourami Tank!

    In my experience, Gouramis tend to nip at Angels fins, especially veil tails.
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    Why Do You Keep Fish?

    I have to get out of this hobby! I'm so very addicated and obsessed. My girlfriend is becoming jealous of the fish, even though she loves them too. She says I talk about fish even in my sleep. I also can't stop reading these posts in this forum!
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    Homemade Ph Reducers

    You could filter with peat, add bogwwod, or CO2.
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    Aquabid Thong!

    :lol: I'm more of a boxer brief man!
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    How Old Is Everyone?

    35 here.
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    Aquabid Thong!

    lol...I think I'm going to order one for my fiance.
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    Sick Angel

    Thanks, Tolak. I was starting to worry for a moment there, but they are doing fine. I admire your vast knowledge about angels!
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    Sick Angel

    I just got 2 new angels from my LFS 4 days ago. They seem to be doing fine except one has red inflammation on the base of his pectoral fin and has a little red behind his eye. Here's a pic: He's in the Quar Tank as I put all new fish in there for a...
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    Whats The Best Way To Lower Ph Shock's Effect?

    Hi Jack, The easiest way would be to turn off your CO2 in your 20g, temporarily and let the ph raise back up again.
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    Dismay At Work Colleague

    I totally agree, It's unfortunate because the fish suffer but, some people are not open to learning how to do it the proper way. How true!
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    Extreamly Low Ph

    General Hardness (GH) has nothing to do with buffering your PH, Doctor.