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  1. F

    Cichlid Question

    Hi, yes it's definitely cycled. I have no nitrite and no ammonia. I last tested this on Thursday night.
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    Cichlid Question

    i'm going to get some today, i'm very excited, they look wonderful! i'm also going to buy a couple of hiding places just to make sure they have their own space and are happy.
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    Cichlid Question

    about 150L
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    Cichlid Question

    Hi everyone, i've never had a cichlid, and I don't know a lot about them, so this question may seem very daft!! What, if any, cichlid's could I put in with a tropical community tank of Platys, Otos, Cories, Harlequins & Danios?? I know some cichlids aren't aggressive, but not sure which?? I...
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    Cichlid Question

    Hi everyone, i've never had a cichlid, and I don't know a lot about them, so this question may seem very daft!! What, if any, cichlid's could I put in with a tropical community tank of Platys, Otos, Cories, Harlequins & Danios?? I know some cichlids aren't aggressive, but not sure which?? I...
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    Gravel To Sand

    Well i've made the transfer, and hopefully not scared too many fishes!!! The cories have taken an instant liking to the sand and can barely keep away from it which is great! I've put in 3 small tupperware containers (taking up about 1/2 the tank in total), 2 are completely full, 1 i messed up...
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    Please Tell Me It Isn't So...

    One of my Oto's last night tried sucking on a couple of my Platys but both of them managed to shake him off pretty abruptly so no damage was done, I will keep an eye out though - generally though (99% of the time) they just eating algae off the tank or attached to a plant!
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    Gravel To Sand

    Great, that sounds easier than I expected!! will the corys naturally start using the 'sandpit' rather than the gravel?
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    Gravel To Sand

    Hi All, I love my corys, but unfortunately my tank is gravel and so their barbels have all gone :unsure: i didn't know this would happen as nobody at the LFS warned me. Can I change my tank to sand, or is this too difficult once the tank is settled? I was thinking about making it part sand...
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    Pets At Home Policies

    My local PAT had 9, yes NINE, dead fish floating about in one of their tanks today! and they keep Betta's in tiny little tanks, which seems really cruel, especially seeing the state of the Bettas (their fins look horrible!)
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    Platys Flicking Against Plants

    test the water quality with an API Liquid master test kit (these can be brought from pets at home) I have one of these and the water has always been OK, if a little on the high pH side - not done a check for a couple of weeks though. flashing - the behaviour you described - can also be a sign...
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    Platys Flicking Against Plants

    Hi All, I noticed last night my platys have started 'flicking' against plants - I have seven of them, and I've noticed at least 3 of them doing this between last night and this morning! I know this is a sign of white spot, however, there are NO white spots on Any of my fish (at the moment)...
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    Goldfish Floating/swimming Problems

    my pearlscale has the same problem - he just floats around from time to time but other than that, he seems OK. he does gulp at the surface a lot for food - as do my other 2 goldies! i'm going to stop feeding them flakes from now on - and just floating tablets (like for coreys), and peas. is...
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    Platy - Scales 'malting'

    By way of update, i've added some nice plants, bogwood, and some meds and the tank seems a generally more happy place. The platy zoomed out from behind the filter and has been swimming about pestering the girly platys ever since! His scales dont look so bad, but his fin still looks white n...
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    Bog Wood

    I just got it from pets at home, and it has plants on it already - wouldn't that kill them? lol
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    Bog Wood

    i've just bought some bogwood from my LFS, which was already in a tropical tank - do I still need to sterilise it? or am i ok just to rinse it with cold water and then pop it into my tank later?
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    Platy - Scales 'malting'

    yes i'm sure I can do that, how much water needs to be in the container? how many days can he stay in there? do i close the lid on him - as he's already proven to be a jumper! i've bought some medication for finrot. sorry for all the questions, I'm just concerned!! thanks for all your help...
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    Platy - Scales 'malting'

    Just to let you know the fish has been hiding all night behind the filter :-( He won't come out to eat either, he looks a little shaken. Do you think he's been bullied, or is his time up? :unsure:
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    Platy - Scales 'malting'

    and what can i do to help him? i mean he seems happy enough, will it sort itself?
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    Platy - Scales 'malting'

    Hi Wilder I've got 7 platys, 4 coreys, 4 danios and 4 harlequins in a tank which is 2250 cm2 Water has no nitrite, 50 nitrate, high ph at least 8, no test for ammonia. the fin which looks 'bitten' at the end does look to have white edging, it's certainly whiter than the OK fin. the fish...
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    Pearlscale - Dropsy?

    Hi there I have a pearlscale which seems happy enough, but then from time to time I see him floating upside down in the top corner of my tank. I've had a closer inspection and it looks a bit like he has dropsy - his scales seem to pertrude a little bit. What can I do?
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    Platy - Scales 'malting'

    Hi there, I've got seven platys and i've noticed on one of them that his scales seem to be 'loose/malting'. It's only little bits so far, and the fish isn't acting in any strange way. It doesn't look like dropsy, it just looks like a few of the scales are coming off. What could this be? He...
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    Angelfish - New Member

    I hope this doesn't happen to mine, i'd be gutted! I get attached to my fish quite quickly!!
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    Pets @ Home

    My coreys were £8 each, or 3 for £15, and I thought that was OK! But i am new to it all!
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    Angelfish - New Member

    ok, i love my cories they are my favourite - the two of them are always together snuggling, i think i could have baby cories soon :blush: i will get some more at the weekend. :good: thanks for your help, i'll hold fire on the angelfish a while longer.
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    Angelfish - New Member

    my capacity was a total guess, i just knew it would be above 100l! the dimension's are quite accurate as i only measured it a couple of days ago! it totalled 2250cm2
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    Angelfish - New Member

    The tank is over 3 foot long, and about 2 foot high 1-1.5 foot wide i think - off the top of my head!! i'd be looking to get the small angelfish (although i'm aware they will grow!) my danios are unbelievably quick lol! it's quite a sight to see all 5 of them racing for food - the other fish...
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    Angelfish - New Member

    Good afternoon all, this is my first post, and i'm about 3 months into my fish-keeping experience! I'm very much loving it at the moment, except when I lose one :-( I've been keeping goldfish for a few months, and last month I decided to start having some tropical fish, so i've got my Dad's old...