Gravel To Sand


New Member
May 20, 2008
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Hi All,

I love my corys, but unfortunately my tank is gravel and so their barbels have all gone :unsure: i didn't know this would happen as nobody at the LFS warned me.

Can I change my tank to sand, or is this too difficult once the tank is settled? I was thinking about making it part sand part gravel to at least make the surface a little less harsh on their delicate mouths.

Has anybody ever made this change, or am I better off just leaving it gravel and not getting any more corys in the future for that particular tank?
Just remove the gravel and replace it with sand. You can leave the fish and everything in while you do this. Just use a fish net or sieve to lift the gravel out. Once it is all gone then pour the sand in a bit at a time. the tank will look horrible for a day or two but it will settle soon and then the cories should be happy.
If you don't want to remove all the gravel you can use a plastic container (like a Tupperware container) and put sand in that. Then move the gravel out the way and put the container on the bottom. Push the gravel up to the edge of the container and instant sand pit for fish :)
Just remove the gravel and replace it with sand. You can leave the fish and everything in while you do this. Just use a fish net or sieve to lift the gravel out. Once it is all gone then pour the sand in a bit at a time. the tank will look horrible for a day or two but it will settle soon and then the cories should be happy.
If you don't want to remove all the gravel you can use a plastic container (like a Tupperware container) and put sand in that. Then move the gravel out the way and put the container on the bottom. Push the gravel up to the edge of the container and instant sand pit for fish :)

Great, that sounds easier than I expected!! will the corys naturally start using the 'sandpit' rather than the gravel?
if it feels nicer then they probably will :p

i had this same problem, except mine still have their barbels. I dont think the gravel is as sharp as i thought.. =\

anyway, you should wash the sand in a bucket a few times before putting it in your tank..

and if you are just having some gravel / some sand then really you should use the container, as otherwise it just goes between the gravel :)
Well i've made the transfer, and hopefully not scared too many fishes!!!

The cories have taken an instant liking to the sand and can barely keep away from it which is great!

I've put in 3 small tupperware containers (taking up about 1/2 the tank in total), 2 are completely full, 1 i messed up a little and is only 1/2 full - will this be a problem? i assume tupperware isn't a nasty surface for the fish??
the containers can be full or only part full it doesn't matter. Tupperware is fine for fish and shouldn't cause them any problems.

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