Cichlid Question


New Member
May 20, 2008
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Hi everyone,

i've never had a cichlid, and I don't know a lot about them, so this question may seem very daft!!

What, if any, cichlid's could I put in with a tropical community tank of Platys, Otos, Cories, Harlequins & Danios??

I know some cichlids aren't aggressive, but not sure which??

I really like their colours, and would love to get some, but obviously it's much more important to be sensible than jump the gun!!

Thanks to anyone who can help! :good:
What sized tank is this? Most of the dwarf species would be fine in a community setting. These species include rams, apistos, and keyholes.

Ox :good:
I would really recommend a pair of German Blue Rams. They are small peaceful, beautiful and such endearing little characters, and if you are lucky enough to get them to breed their parenting will be wonderful to watch!
I second the blue ram advice, or a pair of bolivian rams, both are nice and full of character :good:
I second the blue ram advice, or a pair of bolivian rams, both are nice and full of character :good:

i'm going to get some today, i'm very excited, they look wonderful!

i'm also going to buy a couple of hiding places just to make sure they have their own space and are happy.
If you can and its not always possible, try to get m/f. The females will have a pink tummy whereas the males dont. Like I say isnt always possible, hard to tell in an LFS. Make sure when you get them home to acclimitise them slowly, taking out some of the LFS water and replacing with some tank water every 10 minutes or so for about an hour if possible, before introducing them to the tank. They may hide for a while, so dont worry too much, enjoy them, they are lovely little fish.
Before you add any more fish, just to clarify something - is your tank definately cycled? What are the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate last time you tested?

I had a quick flick though your post's and the only answer I could see to that question was, "I guess so." Sorry if it comes across as patronising - I say it with good intent - but what are your readings? Ram's aren't a hardy fish, and need good water quality. I do 15-30% water changes every 3 days to be sure they stay happy, and when I don't it does show in their behaviour.
Before you add any more fish, just to clarify something - is your tank definately cycled? What are the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate last time you tested?

I had a quick flick though your post's and the only answer I could see to that question was, "I guess so." Sorry if it comes across as patronising - I say it with good intent - but what are your readings? Ram's aren't a hardy fish, and need good water quality. I do 15-30% water changes every 3 days to be sure they stay happy, and when I don't it does show in their behaviour.

Hi, yes it's definitely cycled. I have no nitrite and no ammonia. I last tested this on Thursday night.
Good good. Then go for the ram's, they're great fish. Just remember to do lots of water changes and from what I've seen with mine (and heard from others) they should flourish.

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