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  1. H. Houdini

    Fat Harlequin Rasbora

    I'm not sure if it's etiquette, but as the subject is the same, I thought I'd revive this thread... I've nine harlequin rasboras in my 110 litre tank. They are all about 3 years old and I've only lost one fish in all the time I've had them. Now, one of them is absolutely mahoosive, and has been...
  2. H. Houdini

    Mollies And Guppies In Distress

    Tank size: 250 litre pH:8 ammonia:0ppm nitrite:0ppm nitrate:around 20ppm kH: gH: tank temp:25 degrees Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behaviour): The fish start to look thin. Their body almost looks as if it turns upwards after the gills, then the...
  3. H. Houdini

    Hate This

    I always read threads like this with huge interest. It always amuses me how, despite many being objective on a very difficult subject, others can get quite overbearing as if they have some sort of moral high-ground. I find the comparison of the lives of our fish with those of other pets and/or...
  4. H. Houdini

    Shimmying, Just What Exactly Is It?

    Ok, looks like I made the wrong call. :( Any chance of moving this to tropical emergencies Mods? Harry
  5. H. Houdini

    Shimmying, Just What Exactly Is It?

    Thanks for the reply. It bothers me too. Despite the ich (she never appeared to have any spots at all) clearing up after 10 days treatment (even the clowns are fine with 2 full doses and no signs were present after day 2), I have to admit that I had noticed her flicking before and had dosed Sera...
  6. H. Houdini

    Shimmying, Just What Exactly Is It?

    Ok, so I've read quite a bit today. Apparently it's just the shakes. Raise the temp, check the water quality and add salt. However.......... I've never seen this before, but I have this mollie. She's one of our own, raised from fry. We've lost a few fish from time to time, but never one of our...
  7. H. Houdini

    Help My Loaches Are Seriously Sick!

    Shahrez, Can't really help you too much, but I believe it is what we call "skinny disease". You can find a little about it in the middle of THIS LINK. AS for treatment, I really don't know. I have loaches and I've lost one to this, but it was too late to treat. You'll have to wait for someone...
  8. H. Houdini

    Friday Fun

    If you ever find out, my cover is blown and I'll have to shoot you. Here's hoping it isn't necessary. Harry P.S. If the Stasi are watching/listening, don't bother looking for me. I'm good at getting out of tight situations and then disappearing.
  9. H. Houdini

    Why Cycle A Tank

    Whether he is, or he isn't Chrissi, I REALLY want him to keep posting. On another note for everyone advocating mature media, did you all read his other thread? Go on, advise him to do just that and you'll have fish in even more trouble. First rule of forums, don't feed the troll. If you...
  10. H. Houdini

    Quick Way To Cycle A Tank?

    No Lawrence, please continue to post. I would love to know IF everyone is wrong and you are right. I'd also dearly like to know how your fish get on health wise. Harry
  11. H. Houdini

    Newbie - Completely Confused

    Chrissi, that was me. I'm not suggesting that it won't create waste to cycle the biorb. What I meant was that when he adds another fish, thinking it has cycled, he's going to be doubling the load! He's going to find himself in a mini-cycle doing the same thing again! I've never tried it myself...
  12. H. Houdini

    Newbie - Completely Confused

    Steve I'm no expert, but I'd guess the bad water quality and overstocking would probably be enough to start the white spot. I've got my own case going on now, and I'm pretty sure it's come around after I did a substrate change. Seem's even that was enough. Again, I know you're attached to that...
  13. H. Houdini

    Newbie - Completely Confused

    Steve, IMO you haven't done anything wrong. You asked advice from somebody you thought you could trust, it just turns out that you couldn't trust them. First things first. You have a VERY small tank. You aren't going to be able to keep a great deal in there. The best way to simplify a tank and...
  14. H. Houdini

    Your Aquarium Room?

    Not all in one room, but here are my 2 1/2 tanks; Community tank 2 weeks ago. A complete mess now, due to substrate change and ich outbreak :angry: My livebearer fry tank, which I love! And my new project which contains 16 small fish at present, and although I haven't done the hard work...
  15. H. Houdini

    Clean Slate

    From Poland, but very English! I'll have a play tomorrow and move the valve. I know you're right because as soon as I limited the flow rate with the vale I sprung a leak in my filter bottle. You got me bang to rights now, thanks! Also, I used the baking soda ;) I may have messed up, but at...
  16. H. Houdini

    Clean Slate

    I only set it up today md. The bubbles were so quick I couldn't count them. It was clear about an hour ago that it was having a serious effect on the fish. They were all gasping at the surface, so I pulled out the pipes and turned on the air intake. At least they aren't going to die! I'll have...
  17. H. Houdini

    Clean Slate

    Hmmm, my Lamp-eye killifish are at the top of the tank, looking like they are trying to breathe air through their mouths. The Harlequins have moved from the middle to the top of the tank but are not at the surface. This is a home made kit, two bottles running at present on a 106 litre tank. Too...
  18. H. Houdini

    White Spot.....

    You're a star, thank you. Also, a great read. I'd done a lot of research, but I'll bookmark this, again, thank you!
  19. H. Houdini

    White Spot.....

    I put two airstones in and upped the temp to 30 immediately after I noticed the white spots. It has methylene blue, green malachite (I think, gotta translate that myself) and formaldehyde. The woman in the LFS (local petshop really) is quite good and doesn't give out rubbish. She said that she...
  20. H. Houdini

    White Spot.....

    Thanks Wilder.... To be honest I never noticed it being like that before, but like I said some of them did have a tendency to hide under the pipe I provided. On the other hand the mollies and barbs, even though I was dropping the algae wafers in 30 mins after lights-out, were going mental over...
  21. H. Houdini

    Clean Slate

    Well, I set up my Co2 today following the recipe I found on here using marmite (yes, I can get the stuff in Poland!). I connected it to the internal filter and just let the thing run... about 2 hours ago. Now, it's going NUTS! The bubbles are coming through so quickly that I can't count them...
  22. H. Houdini

    White Spot.....

    Hi people, This morning I noticed some white spots on a female swordtail in my 250litre. On closer inspection, I thought maybe it was just some colouring I hadn't noticed. Then, looking at other fish to be sure, I noticed one of my clowns with one white spot on his back. Again, it didn't seem...
  23. H. Houdini

    Help Iding A Fish

    Helterskelter sir, you are a genius, thank you! Aplocheilichthys kingii - lamp-eye killifish that's what it is. Many thanks Harry
  24. H. Houdini

    Help Iding A Fish

    Hi guys n' gals. My lovely GF went to the LFS this morning to get me 8 harlequins to start off my new planted aquarium. She did indeed return with them, but also another 8 fish. I cannot get a decent photo, although I have been trying for 30 mins! It has a very small silver body (about 2cm...
  25. H. Houdini

    Cyling A Tank

    Dave try this or this B-)
  26. H. Houdini

    Cyling A Tank

    Just keep looking at those test results Dave, they'll tell you when you need to water change, or not. As for the water changes, yeah, good luck. If it means anything to you, we've all made mistakes at one time or another! Beer is a different subject, though I think you owe m00se a couple! :D
  27. H. Houdini

    Cyling A Tank

    Moose, is that hagen cycle any use??? I'm sure people are generally told to throw those kind of things, right? (the bacteria is dead, correct?) Edit* Beat me to it Dave. I'd suggest throwing it. AS for the water changes, test twice a day after you have the levels below 0.25ppm ammonia/ 0.25...
  28. H. Houdini

    Cyling A Tank

    Dave, Some great advice there from m00se. He's right, try to get the fish re-homed, it'll be better for everybody. It'll also give you plenty of time to research and plan what YOU want to do. If you fish-in-cycle, I think I'm correct in saying that it'll shorten the lives of the fish. The loach...
  29. H. Houdini

    Cyling A Tank

    Dave, The ammonia reading should be less that 0.25ppm, also for nitrites. If it goes above these two levels, you need to water change. So I would recommend a that immediately. If the media was in use and kept wet, you may just experience a mini cycle. Keep a very keen eye on the ammonia and...
  30. H. Houdini

    Cyling A Tank

    Dave, Welcome to TFF. I'm by no means an expert, and I can't help at all with the filters, but get some dechlorinator and get those fish into the tanks ASAP. As I understand it, you'll have to do a fish in cycle. Whilst you're looking for dechlorinator, buy yourself a test kit to check on the...
  31. H. Houdini

    Newb Fry Question

    I read the same kind of info too, but it's a bit late by then. (unless you're a complete ***** like my gf, who dropped ALL the food in I had prepared) I don't have platies, but I'd suggest what I do with my mollies. (depending how many you have) I throw a very small pinch 5 or 6 times a day. I...
  32. H. Houdini

    Clean Slate

    Yeah, I read that article this morning. Bloody good read and it's what got me thinking. Whatever, I'm going to add Co2. It'll either be home made or the one from the auction. As for the media, well........ I have guppies and a few mollies that I don't really want in the pond with the turtle...
  33. H. Houdini

    Clean Slate

    Wow! Thanks Jay! That's a great help and I've got all the things I need here, but I'm going to wait a little...... I've seen a Co2 kit on Allegro (Polish version of eBay) and it isn't a bad price. I'll wait a couple of days to see what price it looks like getting to before I make a decision...
  34. H. Houdini

    Lights On - How Many Hours

    I've only had a tank set up for six months, and it's been upgraded twice............ ...... but I have the lights on all day, (I tend to watch the fish, not TV, which I don't understand in Polish anyway :crazy: ) as I don't have much work in the summer months, and I have never (and I mean...
  35. H. Houdini

    Disappearing Mollie Returns, But......

    1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc) Ammonia 0 Nitrate 5-10ppm Nitrite 0 PH 8.0 Temp 79f 2. A full description of the fishes symptoms. She has a split tail and some white mould on her back. 3. How often you do water changes and...
  36. DSC09214a.jpg


  37. H. Houdini

    Drastic Drop In Ph

    I'm no expert, but if the tests are showing ammonia in small amounts and no nitrate or nitrite, doesn't that mean the tank is cycling???
  38. H. Houdini

    Clean Slate

    Ok, so here is the aquarium all cleaned up and shiny. :rolleyes: I can't make my mind up what substrate to use. I love the look of the sand in my fry tank, but this is going to be planted. Remember I've painted the back of the tank black to highlight the plants, so what do you people...
  39. DSC09197a.jpg


  40. H. Houdini

    Clean Slate

    Hi guys, As you can see, not only am I new to the site, but I'm new to the world of aquariums too. So, to give you the full picture and some idea where I'm coming from, I'll give you the lead in story........ About twelve months ago I bought (that's me buying, the girlfriend wanting) two...