Help My Loaches Are Seriously Sick!


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2008
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i just noticed my clown loaches have sunken really sunken and they have gotten really skninny and their eyes have started to turn black!!! and yes they are eating but really stressed as they are all hiding underneath the filter...please i need help and please dont give brand names for medics as i live in pakistan and i cannot find those medications here just inform me of the chemical names like malachite green,methylene blue etc.
please i really need help i think this is an internal parasite..if yes then can i treat it with a salt bath successfully? if yes then how do i properly give it a salt bath?
and i forgot to mention rapid gill movement and reddening of the gills


Can't really help you too much, but I believe it is what we call "skinny disease". You can find a little about it in the middle of THIS LINK.

AS for treatment, I really don't know. I have loaches and I've lost one to this, but it was too late to treat. You'll have to wait for someone more knowledgeable than me.

Good luck!

What are your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
The symtoms you are descibing can be internal parasties to fish tb.
The iris of the eye is it black.
What does it look like when the clowns go to the toilet.
Is the spine bending.
Is the anus enlarged or red and inflamed.
Can you see any worms prutruding from the anus.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing, excess mucas, darting, erratic swimming, sores on the body of the fish.
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate >20
pH 7
yes the iris is black
yes the spine is bending
anus is enlarged
i can see rubbing and erratic swimming
the poop is white.
does that mean i shouldasite and treat with anti internal parasite and bacterial infection?
if yes then will that destroy my biological filter?

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