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    The Return Of.... Whitespot!

    Thanks for the advise, appreciated.. I think it was introduced by new fish but they were quaranteed at my lfs before they sell them.. Thanks for the web link, im sure ill find it usefull. Aisha
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    The Return Of.... Whitespot!

    Thanks for that... well i dont currently have shrimps but ive set everything up for them (place for the to shed and hide) its just a case of getting them now.. So IF anything else happens (in the future) and i need to medicate, what would be sufficient for the shrimps, do they have to be at a...
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    The Return Of.... Whitespot!

    Thanks for the advice!!!! When our tank was first set up, the mollies were one of the first to get... i was very unexperienced and relied upon the ppl my LFS! I didnt realise about the ratio until after when i was able to identify the sexes, the female seemed fine during the time we had until...
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    Snail Problems

    Im not an expert but from my experience and what i have been advised get a CLOWN LOACH... it will only ever grow to the size of its environment and will get RID of your snail problem.. have a 11gal tank and the loach loved it, got rid of all the snails except my malaysian trumpet snails (which i...
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    Snail problems

    Im not an expert but from my experience and what i have been advised get a CLOWN LOACH... it will only ever grow to the size of its environment and will get RID of your snail problem.. have a 11gal tank and the loach loved it, got rid of all the snails except my gravel snails (which i didnt mind...
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    Snail Problems

    Im not an expert but from my experience and what i have been advised get a CLOWN LOACH... it will only ever grow to the size of its environment and will get RID of your snail problem.. have a 11gal tank and the loach loved it, got rid of all the snails except my gravel snails (which i didnt mind...
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    The Return Of.... Whitespot!

    HI.... A few weeks back for some reason (maybe slightly overstocked tank?although i thought it was reasonable) my tanks ammonia levels went high, before or after this WHITESPOT affected my neons and congos.... they died two days after i detected whitespot... The tank was being treated but...
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    Help Attaching A Moss Wall To The Tank Glass

    Thanks for your thoughts, i think ill just make two and make one side slightly wider so that it underlaps the other but tie them also, so it wont give the problem of making gaps... havent started making it yet so i can only know for sure what will work when i do it.. Im getting all the bits...
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    Help Attaching A Moss Wall To The Tank Glass

    O one last thing... i have a hexagon tank shape so i want the mesh wall on two sides of the tank, would i make two separate walls or make one big one and slightly fold it so that it fits on the two sides of glasses or doesnt it matter so long as i make sure theres no gap between the two...
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    Help Attaching A Moss Wall To The Tank Glass

    Thank you for taking time out in doing the sketch much appreciaated!! V nice of you. And thanks for the weblink! :D
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    Help Attaching A Moss Wall To The Tank Glass

    To be honest other than the emptying the tank bit i have noo idea where to begin!... When you say substrate do you mean gravel/sand or something else... That did prop into mind.. Thanks! :)
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    Euthanasia Of Freshwater Fish

    Ok... I dunno i just though that was the only thing that could be done... but if you were to put a fish back into water after they had been taken out for some time but were still alive... wouldnt it be brain damaged or something... like with humans?... I put this post up after reading the...
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    Thanks for your response! Well we have tried to keep plants but we had too many snails eating them and fish too, so when they looked they were gonna die id take them out.. something recently triggered high levels of ammonia which caused a nasty outbreak of white spot that killed all but three...
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    Hi, When (in the day) are the lights of the aquarium supposed to be on, during the day or in the evening.... My dad seems to think that because its light during the day that it doesnt need to be on so turn it on during the evening.. I have noo idea, i just thought turn it and i have been...
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    Euthanasia Of Freshwater Fish

    Hi.. i dont know much about euthanisation but heres my first experience of it.. My neon had dropsy and was in her last stage of the illness, basically her belly had deflated and she couldnt swim at all, the other fish kept nipping at her and the water was what was moving her around in the tank...
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    Help Attaching A Moss Wall To The Tank Glass

    Thanks, but i dont think leaning it against it will stay in one place, and i have thought about really tiny suckers but i just hope there wont be a gap. Alot of my fish died in a BAD sudden case of white spot but three survived and are better than ever, im not sure what fish ill replace them...
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    Help Attaching A Moss Wall To The Tank Glass

    Hi, I'm putting together a moss wall background and have read and researched ways to do this... The only problem i have is attaching the moss wall to the glass, there are two ways that i know to do this using either suckers or magnets... The sucker things would leave alot of room between the...
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    My Shrimp Photos

    Aww they are gorgous! hay if your selling any i wouldnt mind a few...