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  1. bubblej17

    Would Like To Know About Cherry Shrimp

    thanks for that web page iSnail some good advice, does anyone have pics of their shrimp tanks???
  2. bubblej17

    Looking The New Look Of Tff!

    sorry but i have also changed back to the old one, dont like that grey
  3. bubblej17

    Would Like To Know About Cherry Shrimp

    hi there, ive seen alot of cherry shrimps mentioned on this site and was wandering what sort of set up i would need and whats the min tank size if i was to get one, i have 3 tanks set up at the min one with brackish mollies, one with goldfish and one community, i dont want to put them in my...
  4. bubblej17

    Just Bought......

    thanks for everyone's replys and idea's, im so annoyed as to why my lfs would sell these plants if they are none aquatic, it is obvious not everyone knows alot about plants and will buy them anyway like me (am sure im not alone) but its frustrating, thanks nry i will try that plant website, as...
  5. bubblej17

    Just Bought......

    like i said i've never had plants and dont know alot about them, i will get substrate when i find some i like and i have to keep the bell as its my plec's house but thanks for been honest lol
  6. bubblej17

    Where Do You Keep Your Corys?

    wow im gobsmacked lol , fish tanks in bathrooms!!! :unsure: lmao, in england we get enough sink to do the basic 'wash our face' and just enough room to turn around in our bathrooms let alone put any tanks in there and we dont have plug sockets unless personally fitted lol what an interesting...
  7. bubblej17

    Iv Got Fry

    good info jollysue thank you :D :D :D and thanks drewry im counting on you to keep them fingers crossed lol :nod: :nod: :D
  8. bubblej17

    Just Bought......

    here is my plan in action, feel free to leave comments my tank is plain glass bottom as i dunno what to put in it yet (cory's love it though) lol
  9. bubblej17

    Oscar Question

    like meds said they will soon clear up on its own and probably faster than you think we had to get rid of our convicts as they kept attacking our baby oscar and he had lots of scales missing and now (3days later) you can tell a big difference in him, let usknow how you get on :good:
  10. bubblej17

    Spooky Or Just Plain Odd?

    yeah me to lol (how mad!!) i think alot of people would try to believe it was a smudge lol
  11. bubblej17

    Just Bought......

    i have pics downloading on photobucket now will get them on shortly, would it help for the plants to root if i put them in fine gravel then stacked the pebbles around them?
  12. bubblej17

    Iv Got Fry

    they spawned about 4days after their first spawn, i bought another 3 albino's today (adult size) so hopefully i should have a male in there somewhere lol i will keep at it and post if any news, and cant wait for your pics drewry, good luck :D
  13. bubblej17

    At What Age.....

    wow that young
  14. bubblej17

    Just Bought......

    hi all, i've just got back from my lfs and yet again spent a fortune lol, i got myself loads of plants and a huge bag of large pebbles, now my plan is to have my (back right hand corner of my tank) a layer of fine gravel first then my arangement of stacked pebbles and plant my plants whilst...
  15. bubblej17

    At What Age.....

    at what age do mollies become sexually active?
  16. bubblej17

    Oscar Question

    how long has he had the sores for? i reckon if you carry on doing what your doing they will go in time, what else do you have in your tank, is he still fighting?
  17. bubblej17

    The Best Way To Euthanize A Fish :(

    ive heard if you put a tub of water in the freezer until the top starts turning into ice, break ice then put fish into the tub it kills it instantly, dunno how true that is ive never done it before, can i just ask why you want to know, is it just for future reference? lol
  18. bubblej17

    Iv Got Fry

    have you got any pictures? im trying to get my albinos to spawn again after 2 lots of unfertilized eggs, congrats with your fry and good luck in raising them :good:
  19. bubblej17

    Spooky Or Just Plain Odd?

    lol i know thats why im convinced it isnt a smudge, whatever it is its odd
  20. bubblej17

    What Plants Will Go?

    what type of plants could i get for my mollie tank? as my mollies have a touch of salt in there tank and i know not many plants would survive, any help or advice would be greatful thanks
  21. bubblej17

    Spooky Or Just Plain Odd?

    oh ok, but what about it????
  22. bubblej17

    Spooky Or Just Plain Odd?

    ??????????? sorry what do you mean photobucket :blink:
  23. bubblej17

    Eggs Again

    unfortunatly it was another dead batch of eggs but maybe soon fingers crossed, thanks for the info and you have some nice looking fish :nod: :nod:
  24. bubblej17

    Eggs Again

    my albino cory layed eggs yesterday (a different one from last time) so again could be a failiure although i hope not, but what are the chances of the other one been male!! so they may never be fertilized until my others get older i have nine altogether surely one has to be a male lol, how do...
  25. bubblej17

    Spooky Or Just Plain Odd?

    believe it or not i would like it to be some kind of spirit looking after my rabbit but like others said it could just be a smudge on the camera lol
  26. bubblej17

    Rspca Cat

    wow really that young? i didnt know that, thanks trace1, i will hopefully find out when we pick her up how old she is, i will keep u informed and update with pics soon :good: :hyper: :good:
  27. bubblej17

    Rspca Cat

    hi all, im soooo excited we went to the cats protection today and the rspca and we spotted her, as soon as i saw her i knew she would be coming home with me.... a gorgeous black and white what we thought was a kitten, only to be told she gave birth to kittens but none of them made it, the rspca...
  28. bubblej17

    Face To Name......

    i thought this would be fun, so if your brave enough post ya mug shot here lol what does the face look like behind ya name tag!! this is bubblej17 ok just noticed its at the top but go on post 'em anyways lol
  29. bubblej17

    How Often?

    hi all, how often do cory's drop eggs mine dropped some last week and the eggs never made it, how soon after can they drop more eggs? thanks in advance
  30. bubblej17

    New 6 1/2 Ft Tank

    if you can lift it on your own you can have it lol, thanks, yeah it will be well worth the saving! i said no to my partner so many times to having this tank then i just gave in im glad i did as it looks ace :drool:
  31. bubblej17


    we have 4 oscars and 2 convicts in our 800 (english) litre tank and they do not bother one another, but you know your oscar better than anyone else, you know its nature, some oscars are alot tamer than others, but personally if you do add the convicts to the oscars tank, then i would really...
  32. bubblej17

    Our 2 New Tiger O's

    thanks guys, well its been a few days now and our new tigers (tamba and tiggs) we changed their names lol, are settling right in and are now coming up to us while we hand feed them, and the big ones are still looking after them so fingers crossed they will all keep getting on
  33. bubblej17

    Cory Eggs?

    here is my albino cory eggs unfortunatly none of them hatched, maybe next time good luck with yours
  34. bubblej17


    ok so my albino cory dropped her eggs about 3-4 days ago i put them in another tank so they wouldnt get eaten, they dont seem to be doing to good, why would this of happened, its her first batch of eggs, im not sure if there is a male in there, will they drop eggs without a male? im new to this...
  35. bubblej17

    Any Pictures Of Fry Fishes?

    hi there, what other fish do you have in your tank? most people will say mollies are always pregnant if lived with a male. here's my mollie fry at 2 days old they were quite big when born, they can be smaller than these hope this help to identify your little fishy
  36. bubblej17

    New 6 1/2 Ft Tank

    thanks guys, yeah as soon as i saw the rams i wanted them they are sooo cute, but will they be ok just the three of them they seem to get on ok
  37. bubblej17

    New 6 1/2 Ft Tank

    i didnt know this, but i wasnt at fault i asked the woman at the lfs for 2 she just bagged 3 without knowing i didnt notice until i got home, they seem to be ok will this change? how do you tell their sex? im a woman!! lol would i be best keeping them in bigger groups or is that worse? thats...
  38. bubblej17

    Our 2 New Tiger O's

    dont eat my fish lol, our to older ones are softies and are scared of their own shadows, they are protecting them if anything
  39. bubblej17

    New 6 1/2 Ft Tank

    hi all just wanted to share some pics with you this is our new 6 1/2 ft tank only pic i have of it on comp at min, all my fish went into their old 4 1/2ft tank and i forgot to plug the heater back in and ended up with these.... cory eggs lol hope they hatch well, due in another 3 days my...
  40. bubblej17

    Our 2 New Tiger O's

    here our two new tank mates for our already huge 9inch oscars, we named them bazil and tigger went mad with pics lol hope you like them