Oscar Question


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Cornwall, South West England
Hi Guy's

I have in my Trigon 350L a very large Red Tiger Oscar, who has ( due to fighting a bit ) has 2 like sores/ulcers on his bottom lip, he's eating ok and swimming around ok, water conditions are fine, I do regular weekly water changes and tests everything is normal, just wondering if anyone would be able to help me out on this.

Thanks in advance :good:
how long has he had the sores for? i reckon if you carry on doing what your doing they will go in time, what else do you have in your tank, is he still fighting?
He doe's not fight anymore now, He's had them for a week or so i think, it was with a large blood parrot that has now died due to old age i guess, the parrot used to pick on him alot and sometimes they locked lips if that makes any sense, as i said he seems to be eating ok etc, so hopefully the sorses will clear up on their own :unsure:
They will clear up on their own. You could use melafix to speed it up if you feel the need. I don't like chemicals unless absolutely necessary.

Thanks for that, I don't like using chemicals either, will keep an I on him he is a stunning fish, had him since he was small so don't want to loose him. :rolleyes:
They will clear up on their own. You could use melafix to speed it up if you feel the need. I don't like chemicals unless absolutely necessary.

Thanks for that, I don't like using chemicals either, will keep an I on him he is a stunning fish, had him since he was small so don't want to loose him. :rolleyes:

like meds said they will soon clear up on its own and probably faster than you think we had to get rid of our convicts as they kept attacking our baby oscar and he had lots of scales missing and now (3days later) you can tell a big difference in him, let usknow how you get on :good:
melafix is not a chemical as such, its basically just tea tree oil. it does seem to help a bit, but oscars are pretty hardy and quick healing anyway. when my 2 were younger they used to fight like crazy and at one point the male had about half his scales missing! but if they are not fighting at the moment it should heal up soon. and lip locking is quite common with oscars (not sure about parrots) mine do it as part of the mating behaviour.

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