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  1. J

    Moving My Tank

    Thanks for all the replies everyone. I will definitely check the floors capabilities before I make the move. Thanks for all the concerns. I will update once i figure if the move is possible! and ph without fish is about 7.2
  2. J

    Moving My Tank

    Hey guys, In a few weeks I'll be moving my 120 gallon (2ft width x4ft length) from my basement up to my first floor. It is an african cichlid tank housing 5 frontosas and one blue dolphin. I have regular play sand in the tank right now, which does not offer any buffer properties to the water...
  3. J

    Severum Not Acting Right

    how do i deworm the tank?
  4. J

    Severum Not Acting Right

    okay, what medicine would you suggest using? would you recommend worming the tank with all the other fish in it or moving the severum to a hospital tank and medicating him in that?
  5. J

    Severum Not Acting Right

    he has a clear mucus poo hanging from his rectum right now about an inch and half long. It seems to constantly be coming out or haning on him. Should I put him in a hospital tank? or should i medicate him in the community tank? he doesnt look thin or bloated. His color looks a little faded...
  6. J

    Severum Not Acting Right

    His colors are normal. I noticed that his feces are clear instead of dark brown, and he seems to be excreting it very often, and it takes him a while to do it (it stays attached to him for a few minutes). The water readings... ammonia 0 nitrite.. 0ppm nitrate.. 30ppm. the tank is a 55...
  7. J

    Severum Not Acting Right

    My severum is not acting like himself at all the last few days. I have not seen him eat (he normally goes crazy over food) and he is acting very sedentary. He barely moves around and just floats by the bottom of the tank, and sometimes floats almost sideways. The water quality is fine and all...
  8. J

    Earth Worms?

    bettas are carnivores and I believe they would benefit from eating worms. When I had a betta I would give him small bugs and he loved it.
  9. J

    Severum + Jd

    Thanks for all the great info.. I dont have the time right now to go and get a 90 gallon and set it up so I may wait a while to do something with those two. I have a 120 with 5 juvenile frontosas in it, and once they outgrow that tank I will most likely move the severum into it and maybe get...
  10. J

    Severum + Jd

    hey guys i have a 4-5 inch green severum in a 55 gallon tank. I was wondering if I could get an electric blue jd as tank mate. Ive heard that electric blue JDs are a little more docile then regular jds, and thats why I was wondering if it would work. Thanks in advance
  11. J

    Frontosas Being Territorial

    Thanks for all the great replys guys (or girls?). anyway, that would be great if the 3-4 inch fish are females. The only reason I think the little one is a female is b/c the Alpha male is always trying to court her. Doing sideways dancing in front of her, and he rarely attacks her.
  12. J

    Frontosas Being Territorial

    there is definitly a chance. lol just not in the near future. I was planning on needing a bigger tank for them in a couple years when they start to hit the 9-10 inch range. I didnt think that I would need a six foot right off the bat. Is there a quick fix to this situation?
  13. J

    Frontosas Being Territorial

    Hey guys, I have five frontosas right now in a 120 gal tank ( 4ft by 2 ft.) The biggest one is about 5 inches. There is one that is about 2.5 inches (the female), and then there are three around 3.5 to 4 inches. For the most part the big guy doesnt let any of the other fish besides the...
  14. J

    Fish Breathing Fast

    Hey they are doing awesome now! it actually wasnt an ammonia spike it was lack of o2. I found out from my gf (im not here during the week) that the filter was jammed up the night before and wasnt circulating water. I did a 30percent water change and lifted the spout (the thing that shoots...
  15. J

    Fish Breathing Fast

    Hello everyone, I was just wondering if you know what it means if your fish are breathing at double the rate they normally do. I put melafix in the tank for four days in a row and that is the only thing that is different about it. The reason I put melafix in the tank is that the biggest guy...
  16. J

    Just Got A 120

    Hey guys Im getting a 120 gal tank and I already have a 6 inch geophagus surinamensis and a 3-4 inch green severum. I was wondering if a baby JD would be able to cohab with them in a 120 gal.. thanks for the advice in advance!
  17. J

    Reptile To Fish Tank

    Can you use a tank that was once used to keep reptiles as a fish tank? edit: to clarify I mean that if the tank was originally made for fish and a reptile was housed in it, would it be safe (disease free) to put fish in?
  18. J

    Geo In A Gravel Tank

    thanks for all the help! :)
  19. J

    Geo In A Gravel Tank

    do I have to put the filter and heater in the same container as the fish? am I supposed to turn the filter on in the container im holding them in? could i just put the filter media and heater in a seperate container then the fish?
  20. J

    Geo In A Gravel Tank

    nice that sounds like a do-able task. i will have to try it... ij ust need to wait a couple weeks until this semester is over and I have time, but I will let you know how it turns out.
  21. J

    New To Bettas

    Could you use a 20 gallon tank and put a bunch of betta females in with one betta male?
  22. J

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?!

    reminds me of an aquatic reptile of the dinosaur age
  23. J

    Geo In A Gravel Tank

    oh really? i would like to do that but i really dont know how to change a cyled tank over to sand without restarting...
  24. J

    Geo In A Gravel Tank

    does anyone know anything about geos?
  25. J

    These Fish Sound Good For A 75 Gallon?

    so maybe my severum is really peaceful because he is only around 3 inches and still a baby? :dunno:
  26. J

    Geo In A Gravel Tank

    I am guilty of impulse buying the other day at the fishstore... I bought a beautiful geophagus surinamensis that was about 6inches (if that matters). anyway I did not know that they thrive in a sandy or fine substrate environment and I have regular gravel in my tank. I always see him sifting...
  27. J

    These Fish Sound Good For A 75 Gallon?

    i have a severum and he is very peaceful.. i dont know much about parrots but I believe they are semi-aggressive. You definitly dont have to worry about the severum being aggressive and I think they parrot fish will be fine too. I dont know anything about checkkerboard loaches but if they are...
  28. J

    Piranha Needs Help!

    like everyone said that tank is way to small, that shows why he is only 6 inches in three years!!! they should grow about an inch a month for the first year up to about 8 inches then slowly grow from there. by three years he should have been double the size of what he is!!! why didnt you...
  29. J

    Cant Get My Gravel Vac To Work

    by the way great video! im going to try that today. i have a gravity operated one... that works better for you?
  30. J

    Cant Get My Gravel Vac To Work

    no i have down the technique of swirling the vac over the sand to pick up the droppings but once the droppings get scked into the tube they sit there then slowly fall back out... very frustrating
  31. J

    55 Gal

    that would work. greentexas cichlids are really aggressive i believe. firemouths are less aggressive and dont get as big so you could have a couple of them instead of one greentexas. what kind of oscar do you want to get discus lova where do you work that you have 1500gallon tanks?
  32. J

    Cant Get My Gravel Vac To Work

    does anyone know what type of gravel vac is good to use on sand? I have some frontosas and I cannot seem to pick up their drooppings it starts to go up and then drops oout of the gravel vac. very annoying. i even bought a good one from Marina called easy clean. does anyone have any tricks to...
  33. J

    55 Gal

    I do not know anything about peacock eels but from reading online it seems like they may be good tankmates. Remember clown loaches get up to a foot long, so with 2 or 3 of them, an oscar, and a peacock eel or two you may be pushign your stock limits in a 75. but then again with enough hiding...
  34. J

    Pleco Suitable For Mbuna Tank?

    haha sorry for my original post. i will try to be alot more specific from now on and always give a disclaimer at the end of my posts! :S
  35. J

    55 Gal

    frontosas are awesome fish, but yeah you should probably only do them with other africans (preferably passive ones). JD may run you some problems as they are alot more aggressive then oscars, plus the JD will probably pick on most of your other tankmates as well. Severums would be good...
  36. J

    Pleco Suitable For Mbuna Tank?

    i dont see how you would assume that (unless its because they are cheaper then most others) but yes it was infact a common. i guess that makes you sherlock holmes :blink:
  37. J

    55 Gal

    im sorry i dont know what "FOWLR" means, lol i also dont know what shellies are. If you got the oscar as a baby he could probably live comfortably there for a couple years. that would probably give you enough time to maybe eventually upgrade tanks. Im sure you could do the oscar tank. puffers...
  38. J

    Pleco Suitable For Mbuna Tank?

    waterbender no where in my response did i say "just any pleco". way to point out something that was never said :grr:
  39. J

    Pleco Suitable For Mbuna Tank?

    if your asking if its suitable due to aggression i think you will be ok ( I had one in with piranhas and they did not mess with him, he was bigger then them tho) so get one the same size or preferably bigger then your fish. If your asking because of the ph levels you will be ok as well. I...
  40. J

    55 Gal

    puffers are awesome fish but if you want to do the greenspotted puffer you would need to set up a brackish tank. i think your looking at it as a tank the fish can "fit" in. a betta can "fit" in a quarter gallon bowl. you know that is not a comfortable life tho. the gsp would probably get...