Severum Not Acting Right


Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2007
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My severum is not acting like himself at all the last few days. I have not seen him eat (he normally goes crazy over food) and he is acting very sedentary. He barely moves around and just floats by the bottom of the tank, and sometimes floats almost sideways. The water quality is fine and all the other fish in the tank are lively and happy. If anyone has any idea of what is going on with my severum it would be greatly appreciated.
Signs of bacterial infections with no symtoms are being pale or darker in colour, acting listless and being lethagic, and not eating.
Does he look bloated, or thin.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Signs of bacterial infections with no symtoms are being pale or darker in colour, acting listless and being lethagic, and not eating.
Does he look bloated, or thin.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

His colors are normal. I noticed that his feces are clear instead of dark brown, and he seems to be excreting it very often, and it takes him a while to do it (it stays attached to him for a few minutes). The water readings... ammonia 0 nitrite.. 0ppm nitrate.. 30ppm. the tank is a 55 gallon. The severum is about 4 inches. He is in the tank with 4 serpea tetras. a rainbow shark, a dwarf gorami, a baby (2inch) blue acara and two south american puffers. The severum is the dominant fish of the tank (mainly because he is the biggest). The filters are one whisper 30-60 gallon HOB and one aquatech 30-60 HOB filter. PH is 7.3 (been that way since ive had him, about 9 months). Thanks in advance for the help.
Does he look thin or bloated.
Clear mucas poo can be a sign of internal parasites.
Other signs of internal parasites are.
Long stringy white poo, clear mucas poo, worm prutruding from the anus.
Being really thin or bloated.
Enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.
Sometimes bent spine.
he has a clear mucus poo hanging from his rectum right now about an inch and half long. It seems to constantly be coming out or haning on him. Should I put him in a hospital tank? or should i medicate him in the community tank? he doesnt look thin or bloated. His color looks a little faded. I added aquarium salt today if that is important.
You need to worm all the tank.
it wise to worm new fish anyway, whats your location for a med.
Fish can float on there sides with internal parasites as they do alot of damage to the organs.
okay, what medicine would you suggest using? would you recommend worming the tank with all the other fish in it or moving the severum to a hospital tank and medicating him in that?
listen to Wilder, knows what theyre talkin about.. BUT, ive noticed my gold severum doing this here and there in the past and it goes away very quickly.. its prolly still something worth taking care of just incase tho.
I would still medicate the main tank as parasites can spread.
Not sure which med to suggest as I don't know which country you live in.

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