These Fish Sound Good For A 75 Gallon?


New Member
Nov 8, 2007
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If well decorated with plenty of hiding spots and all, would 1 Blood Red Parrot, 1 Gold Severum, 1 Bristlenose Pleco, and 3 Checkerboard Sand Loaches work well in a 75 gallon aquarium? Is this enough space, especially since there are two semi-agressive cichlids?
Thanks. :)
i have a severum and he is very peaceful.. i dont know much about parrots but I believe they are semi-aggressive. You definitly dont have to worry about the severum being aggressive and I think they parrot fish will be fine too. I dont know anything about checkkerboard loaches but if they are like clown loaches they will grow to a foot... Your tank will be fine aggression wise but Im not sure about some of your fish. Severums can aroudn 8-12 inches and I think parrots can get up there as well. I'm sure someone else knows more about the other fish but you shouldnt have to worry about the aggression factor
it could work, however it probably won't.

the issues I see are
parrot V's severum (both can be mean as pitbulls)
parrot + severum viewing the sand loaches as food, or at the very least an annoyance to be chased.

temperature could also be an issue.
the loaches come from mountain streams where the temp is sub-tropical and high in O2
the other fish come from tropical rivers where the dissolved O2 is much lower.

in a nutshell, personally I'd not risk it.
so maybe my severum is really peaceful because he is only around 3 inches and still a baby? :dunno:

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