55 Gal

I'd really rather not mix Lake cichlids with him, just for water parameter reasons. But thanks for the ideas!
Do you think 1 oscar and 1 jd would be ok together, or should I add some sort of larger dither fish too? I just know the jd can be rather aggressive....
frontosas are awesome fish, but yeah you should probably only do them with other africans (preferably passive ones). JD may run you some problems as they are alot more aggressive then oscars, plus the JD will probably pick on most of your other tankmates as well. Severums would be good partners for oscars they are pretty passive big cichlids. The JD oscar thing could work, but with JDs being so aggressive youd be gambling a little. Clown loaches would definitly work with them. haha you could always put a school of neon tetras in there and see how long it takes for them to dissapear :devil: j/k :look:
I do not know anything about peacock eels but from reading online it seems like they may be good tankmates. Remember clown loaches get up to a foot long, so with 2 or 3 of them, an oscar, and a peacock eel or two you may be pushign your stock limits in a 75. but then again with enough hiding spots and territories it could work. again i dont know much about peacock eels. but it sounds like a very interesting and cool tank. i hope you post pics
African and New World Cichlids really shouldn't be mixed in most cases...

I swear we got guys at our work that are around 2 feet in length! Maybe it is because they are in a 1500 gallon tank??

Anyways, the stock you listed will be fine. I would go for the Texas he should be able to hold his ground a little better then the Firemouth if the Oscar decides to get rough.
that would work. greentexas cichlids are really aggressive i believe. firemouths are less aggressive and dont get as big so you could have a couple of them instead of one greentexas. what kind of oscar do you want to get

discus lova where do you work that you have 1500gallon tanks?
I think I've decided I'll do the oscar, the peacock eels and then either a firemouth or a green texas cichlid. That'll keep the bioload down and still give the oscar company.
How does that sound?

African and New World Cichlids really shouldn't be mixed in most cases...

I swear we got guys at our work that are around 2 feet in length! Maybe it is because they are in a 1500 gallon tank??

Anyways, the stock you listed will be fine. I would go for the Texas he should be able to hold his ground a little better then the Firemouth if the Oscar decides to get rough.

that would work. greentexas cichlids are really aggressive i believe. firemouths are less aggressive and dont get as big so you could have a couple of them instead of one greentexas. what kind of oscar do you want to get

discus lova where do you work that you have 1500gallon tanks?
Oscars arn't really tough cichlids, I wouldn't mix my now dead texas with my oscar, because I know she would kill him, however i did have a firemouth with the oscar, and they got along fine.
I would start of with just the oscar and firemouth let them grow to become subadult (only a matter of months!), then if you think it will be ok, and you will be able to keep the water conditions, I would add them.Oscars grow huge though, and it will soon grow to fill a good part of that tank!
I've always found that Oscars and Jack Dempsey's make quick best friends and tank mates. I'm really surprised more people haven't recommended that because I don't think there is a tank mate out there that is better for an Oscar except for a JD. I've personally used this mixture many many times back when I was doing fish nursery work for a mom & pop fish store in my home town (the store owner likes to feature fully, or close to fully, grown cichlids and other fish and I would help raise some of the more difficult and exotic species he would get in).

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