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  1. R

    Blue And Gold Rams

    hm, well i havent acutually setted it up yet, gonna learn more first i plan to keep only the rams in the 10 gallon, no other fish. plants are gonna be real. I am going to try to get 1-2 amazon sword plants and maybe get some Riccia to put on the bottom if i can. i have a question though...
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    Blue And Gold Rams

    Hm, i always wanted to keep Blue and Gold Rams/ aka Butterfly Rams but i could never find them in any petstore. Well, i went to the little aquarium shop today as my mom was shopping for groceries, lo and behold, i find those rams. They are 10 dollars each *isnt much of a problem to me even...
  3. R

    92 Gallon Corner Tank With A Twist

    or use imageshack lol, i use imageshack cuz i dont need an acc for it
  4. R

    20 Gallon Tank Co2

    can someone help me >.> lol, theres so many threads in this part of the forums x_X
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    20 Gallon Tank Co2

    hm, can someone post me links of making a cheap DIY co2 thingie? what do you mean by i would need a lot of hairgrass/amazon swords? and what are root tabs lol *told you im a noob at this>.>* the way i want my tank to be is like the whole bottom filled with grass, and along the backside, put...
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    20 Gallon Tank Co2

    If i did a 20 gallon long tank with about 3-4 Amazon swords and some type of grass on the bottom (maybe dwarf hair), about maybe 3-5 bundles, would i need a Co2 injector if i dont have over 2 wpg? i plan to get a light tube that is only 20-30 watts. The thing is, i dont really understand how...
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    After Fishless Cyling

    thanks for the reply So if i changed two gallons of my 5 gallon tank every week with only one betta in it, do you think it will 40ppm and less?
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    After Fishless Cyling

    Ok, so i have a 5 gallon tank that has just finished cycling yesterday (YAY *Celebrates*)and i heard that you should do a 50-80% water change as to remove the Nitrate but what lvl of Nitrate should my tank have after im done? Like what is a resonable nitrate lvl that my tank should not go higher?
  9. R

    My Tank Still Has High Lvls Of Ammonia >.>

    psh, yeah right like my dad would let me buy stuff online T_T ill just work with my 50 watt on because it fits in my tank although taking it out is kinda hard. its at 84-86 degree farenheight atm and ammonia lvl is still 4-5 lol thanks for all the help, i really want my crowntail betta in it D;
  10. R

    My Tank Still Has High Lvls Of Ammonia >.>

    well, my turtle does need the heater, but i cant find a 5 gallon heater at my lfs. Or will a 10 gallon one work? im just scared it will heat it up too much and burn out or something. I have an Eclipse 5 gallon corner tank btw
  11. R

    My Tank Still Has High Lvls Of Ammonia >.>

    ok, so should i take out like half the water, add in dechlorinated water and test that water/add ammonia until its at two ppm? and i will put my turtles heater in that tank ^^ ty
  12. R

    My Tank Still Has High Lvls Of Ammonia >.>

    Ok, so i havea 5 gallon tank that i am fishless cycling for my betta. I started cycling it on 4/21/07 and i accidentally put too much ammonia so that the lvl was at 6ppm. Now, 5 days later, my tank still has high lvls of ammonia, like 4~5+ ppm. Is that natural? because i though small tanks...
  13. R

    10 Gallon Tank For A Crowntail

    How do i tie them to rocks or drift wood? with regular strings? i know your not supposed to use rubber bands though
  14. R

    10 Gallon Tank For A Crowntail

    Ok, so i wont use an airstone. But i will be using a hang-on filter, should i get a 10 gallon one and put it on minimun flow? oh yeah, i also have water conditioner for fish that my friend gave me so i can take the chlorine out of water. I used to have a betta fish a long time again in a 1.5...
  15. R

    10 Gallon Tank For A Crowntail

    Ok, i will cycle the tank and i was thinking of putting some fake plants along with real ones. Anyone got any suggestions on what types of real plants? one that will not grow to quickly and are easy to take care of. I really wanted an airstone because i love those bubble walls lol i so might...
  16. R

    10 Gallon Tank For A Crowntail

    So i went to my friends house yesterday and he had a crowntail betta, it was a gorgeous color of red and black and i knew immediatly that i would love to have one. Heres what i was thinking of: a 10 gallon tank (dont have the heard to stuff it in those small petsore containters ._.) with...
  17. R

    Questions About My Tank

    well, not to disagree with you or anything, but when i look at the tank reguirement. Sometimes, it just says 20gallons+ for one type of fish. So if i wanted to keep two of the same type, would i need 40 gallon? or can i keep it in 20 gallons which if i keep like 10 of them will be wrong...
  18. R

    Questions About My Tank

    just curious, if the male was frisky and there was no female, would he annoy the other fish?
  19. R

    Questions About My Tank

    ok, so i read all that and it took me a while x_X and some people say somestuff that other disagree with so im consfused now XD (although thanks for the replies) @chibi, yes my friend does take everything out, excluding gravel, and scrubs it in tap, or whatever water is from his bath tub i...
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    Questions About My Tank

    i really dont like bumping but i really need help >_<
  21. R

    Questions About My Tank

    Well, i have a 29 gallon tank, and i have a few questions about it ._. i plan to keep pearl gouramis(wanted blue rams but cant find any anywhere D;) neon tetras, and pygmy Corys my tank dimensions are 30x12x19 inches. I heard that you should use the general rule of 1 inche of fish per one...
  22. R

    About Those Drafts From Doors

    well my fish are gonna be rams, neon tetras, and pygmy corys lol
  23. R

    About Those Drafts From Doors

    Oh, ok i think it was my friend that was wrong XD thanks for the help but sorry for the confusion and i want the tank in my room so it wont be stressfull for my fish because i dont like slamming my door and stuff maybe i can still put a towel to block the tank from the door to help not scare...
  24. R

    About Those Drafts From Doors

    no XD i know i shouldnt keep the tank in range of the swing of the door i mean like my friend said i shouldnt keep tanks like next to doors (out of range) because when i open the door, my tank can get drafts i dont get that ^
  25. R

    About Those Drafts From Doors

    Can anyone explain to me more about drafts from doors? like i know your not supposed to keep tanks in front of doors but why exactly is that? and would it work if like in my room, when i open the door , i hang a long towel from my ceiling so that it blocks the door air. Then i put my tank...
  26. R

    My 29 Gallon Tank

    Now that i think about it, i might not get pearl gouramis at all lol i just saw the picture of the blue ram and fell in love with it XD so without the big pearl gourami, the rams wont be territorial when breeding :3 so let me try this calculation again T_T two rams is 6 inches 7 neon tetras...
  27. R

    My 29 Gallon Tank

    hm, im sorry but i am going to disagree with you on the dwarf gourami being cuter and colorfuler D; I really like the coloration of the pearl gourami and really want to go with that type. about the pygmy cories, yeah i am going to get 3-5 like that ^^ I also want one or two clown plecs i...
  28. R

    My 29 Gallon Tank

    now that i think about it, i might just get fake plants lol maybe one or two java ferns in a corner but the rest will be fake. Also, about the substrate, i will try to find the Tahitian Moon Sand because i saw my friends aquarium once and it looked like if you have darker substrate, the color...
  29. R

    My 29 Gallon Tank

    ok well, i research a picture of a clown pleco and i think it looks wonderful with its stripes :D so, for the substrate, i dont really get it but would it be ok to now do the bottom layer and do the layer with garden soil/peatmoss/and sand, then have aquarium gravel on the top? I dont really...
  30. R

    My 29 Gallon Tank

    ok, thanks for the reply i think i will just keep one male pearl gourami and 3 pygmy cories like you said ^^ and maybe 7 neon tetras cuz i like the number 7 lol btw, for the hide outs and stuff, would a pvc pipe work if i wash a new one thouroughly or would that type of plastic be bad?
  31. R

    My 29 Gallon Tank

    Hi all, i just started getting into this hobby and i found this awsome website and decided to join^^ so, my story: My dad bought me a 29 gallon tank and decided that he would let me keep it in my room if i keep my grades up. I got it about a week again and ive been researching about what fish...