About Those Drafts From Doors


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2007
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Can anyone explain to me more about drafts from doors?

like i know your not supposed to keep tanks in front of doors but why exactly is that?

and would it work if like in my room, when i open the door , i hang a long towel from my ceiling so that it blocks the door air. Then i put my tank behind the towel
would that work?

Um, kinda like this

l T
l A
l N
l K

like the towel blocks the draft from the door
like i know your not supposed to keep tanks in front of doors but why exactly is that?
erm because you'd knock the tank over when you open the door :unsure:
no XD

i know i shouldnt keep the tank in range of the swing of the door

i mean like my friend said i shouldnt keep tanks like next to doors (out of range) because when i open the door, my tank can get drafts

i dont get that ^
no XD

i know i shouldnt keep the tank in range of the swing of the door

i mean like my friend said i shouldnt keep tanks like next to doors (out of range) because when i open the door, my tank can get drafts

i dont get that ^

Neither do I. :blink:

Do you mean by an outside door if it's winter out and the door isn't insulated properly?

Other than that, which I would want to fix the door, I've never heard anything about it and don't think it's a valid point.
I think i understand what you mean now.
you are wanting to place a fish tank near a doorway.

in the ideal world a fish tank should not be near a doorway because of the traffic flow through the door, not drafts.
the constant movement of people going back and forth through the door could be stressfull to the fish
and stress in fish means diseases.
we don't all live in an ideal world and often this is not acheivable.
provided that it is not a heavily trafficked doorway (like a shop door), i see no reason not to have a tank near it.

if your house is drafty I suggest that you insulate it better. many governments issue grants for such purposes
because a better insulated house = a better use of heating and therfor helps the enviroment.
Oh, ok

i think it was my friend that was wrong XD

thanks for the help but sorry for the confusion

and i want the tank in my room so it wont be stressfull for my fish because i dont like slamming my door and stuff
maybe i can still put a towel to block the tank from the door to help not scare the fish when i come in
Oh, ok

i think it was my friend that was wrong XD

thanks for the help but sorry for the confusion

and i want the tank in my room so it wont be stressfull for my fish because i dont like slamming my door and stuff
maybe i can still put a towel to block the tank from the door to help not scare the fish when i come in

You won't scare the fish unless you slam the door.

Having skittish fish in a high traffic area is good for them to get used to people and for less skittish fish they will get used to it in no time.
well my fish are gonna be rams, neon tetras, and pygmy corys lol

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