20 Gallon Tank Co2


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2007
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If i did a 20 gallon long tank with about 3-4 Amazon swords and some type of grass on the bottom (maybe dwarf hair), about maybe 3-5 bundles, would i need a Co2 injector if i dont have over 2 wpg? i plan to get a light tube that is only 20-30 watts.

The thing is, i dont really understand how to make a DIY injector and i cant buy the canister one which is more expensive =(

also, would a gravel substate work? sorry, im not to experienced in the field of planted tanks :unsure:
If you are talking about the nutrafin canister it's not expensive.Just under £20.00 inc P&P.Amazon swords are heavy root feeders so with some root tabs and normal gravel they should grow at an ok rate.I think it was tom barr who said dwarf hairgrass can grow in low light.So that should work, but i think you would probably need co2/ferts .You would need a hell of alot of hairgrass and some big amazon swords which i think would add up!I think i can see the style you are going for, sohuld look great if you get it up and running. :good:
hm, can someone post me links of making a cheap DIY co2 thingie?

what do you mean by i would need a lot of hairgrass/amazon swords? and what are root tabs lol *told you im a noob at this>.>*
the way i want my tank to be is like the whole bottom filled with grass, and along the backside, put amazon sword so that it kinda curves back, like on the sides, its at the middle but going in, its in the back. The fish i want to keep is somewhere along the lines of one gourami (maybe gold) and 10-15 neon tetras since my dad loves them^^
can someone help me >.>

lol, theres so many threads in this part of the forums x_X
With only 20-30 watts over 20 gallons you will not need to add CO2. It will be a small help, but not using it is not an issue, it saves all the hassle of swapping bottles, keeping stable CO2, which in itself is a bad thing: if you cannot keep CO2 stable it can cause as many problems as it can solve.

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