After Fishless Cyling


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2007
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Ok, so i have a 5 gallon tank that has just finished cycling yesterday (YAY *Celebrates*)and i heard that you should do a 50-80% water change as to remove the Nitrate but what lvl of Nitrate should my tank have after im done? Like what is a resonable nitrate lvl that my tank should not go higher?
thanks for the reply

So if i changed two gallons of my 5 gallon tank every week with only one betta in it, do you think it will 40ppm and less?
Impossible to say really, because it is not unheard of that water straight out of the tap could be at 40ppm.

Test the tap water, test the tank - do so weekly for a month or so & see how things go. You'll get a feel for your parameters. Last time I tested was Christmas...

If your tap water is nitrate-free, you don't overfeed and you do weekly water changes of about 15%, you will most like never have nitrates above 20 ppm.

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