My Tank Still Has High Lvls Of Ammonia >.>


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2007
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Ok, so i havea 5 gallon tank that i am fishless cycling for my betta. I started cycling it on 4/21/07 and i accidentally put too much ammonia so that the lvl was at 6ppm. Now, 5 days later, my tank still has high lvls of ammonia, like 4~5+ ppm. Is that natural? because i though small tanks cycled faster or is this fast x_X.

anyways, i tested the water for nitrites and its like barely above 0 ppm.

Is this because i dont have a heater in the tank? (which i dont ._.)
Anyone got any ideas on what im doing wrong :3

thanks for any help ^^
If you don't have a heater it will be very slow. Nitrification slows severely as temperatures drop. The temperature really needs to be in the upper 80s to low 90s during cycling. If you're only cycling for a single betta, you can lower the ammonia level some. He definitely won't ever produce enough waste to equal 3 or 4 ppm. If you start at 2 ppm and cycled at that, you should be fine.
Check ''rdd's'' artical on ''fishless cycle''.
ok, so should i take out like half the water, add in dechlorinated water and test that water/add ammonia until its at two ppm?

and i will put my turtles heater in that tank ^^

do your turtles not need the heater themselves??

any tropical tank for tropical fish needs it's own heater, it's not just for cycling it'll need it forever so yuo'll need to get another heater for it.
well, my turtle does need the heater, but i cant find a 5 gallon heater at my lfs. Or will a 10 gallon one work? im just scared it will heat it up too much and burn out or something. I have an Eclipse 5 gallon corner tank btw
a 10gallon heater will work but it will most likely be to big for your tank

look online, ive seen some pretty small heaters made for 5 gallon tanks usually under $10
All you need is a 25 watt heater. Any fish store should have them. If not, a 50 watt will be fine too.
well, my turtle does need the heater, but i cant find a 5 gallon heater at my lfs. Or will a 10 gallon one work? im just scared it will heat it up too much and burn out or something. I have an Eclipse 5 gallon corner tank btw

You can get a good 25w heater online. If you're in the States, you can get that, and a lot of other aquarium supplies at . They have better prices on most things than my three LFSs. If you get a bunch of supplies, than the shipping won't matter so much, and if you don't live in WI, then there's no tax. Plus, if you Google, you can usually find a $5 off promo code.
psh, yeah right like my dad would let me buy stuff online T_T

ill just work with my 50 watt on because it fits in my tank although taking it out is kinda hard.

its at 84-86 degree farenheight atm and ammonia lvl is still 4-5 lol
thanks for all the help, i really want my crowntail betta in it D;

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