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    it's a piguin mini filter, and the air stone is one of the blue kind and is about 4.5'' long.
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    ok i unpluged my pump and not as much air coms out, mabey about 20-30 bubles at a time, can i go on with out worring?
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    so then.........
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    it's a 10 gallon, and only two 3'' fish in it!
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    c'mon, my tank might stress m fish, i need to know!
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    i have a pretty nice filter and it gives off a good amount of oxygen in the rank, mabey about 1/11 of my air stone. i have hair algae in my tank and it gives off some oxygen so would it be safe to take out the air stone, i think the air stone uplifts alot of the sand that's why its cloudy all...
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    Colouring flakes

    it's the same thing pretty much, just each different flake has other ingredients in it, i use them right now and no notisiable differences.
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    what's up! just add two more drops and tha' ph should be perfect- get better fish man! :lol: just goldfish what the hell. but anyway i like cheese too- chedder all the way. :shifty:
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    I think I rushed the sand process way to fast, i all ready was tempted to remove all the gravel and replace it with sand in just a day long period, the only problem i have so far is the water is a tiny bit more cloudy then with gravel, but that should claer up soon. my fish aren't shocked or...
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    does sand always make your tank cloudy?
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    how long do you think a regular pleco last in a ten gallon if it is about 2'' big?
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    ohhh yeah, are there any bottom fedders or algae eaters that go well with sand?
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    So I don't need to know any thing else, I thought I would, ohh well, thnx.
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    I have my twoBrichardi's in my 10 gallon right now, I took out 1/3 of the gravel and replaced it with some sand ( I rinsed it 24 times ) is this ok, my fish seem to be ok and seem to be enjoying the new sand. Tell me anything you think I should know. Thanks!
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    Why can't I do the picture thing in other forums?

    because pictures are only ment for this forum, that's why its called the picture forum!
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    20 Gallon and Fish

    i like thoughs neons!
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    20 Gallon and Fish

    i don't see any pictures! :-(
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    will the sand make my tank cloudy no matter how much i rinse it?
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    Apistogramma Hongsloi

    is that really your fish? :shifty: I'm on to you! jk
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    My second tank

    nice, look like you could have more lighting, but were did you get your sand?
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    how do you vacuum the tank??

    wth, that rarely happens, mabey 1/1000. you have nothing to worry about! your fish should be smart enough to move out of the way.
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    anything? :angry:
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    African Dwarf Frogs..

    why don't you just put some nylon around the filter intake! -_-
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    could i use playground sand in my tank, and how would i wash it?
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    my new lights

    Nice! Very nice!!!
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    changing name

    goldfishattack here, just changed my name to this name insted! :P