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    puffer color

    any buddy, please! :no: :unsure: :-(
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    Dead dwarf puffer

    well if your talking about cleaning your tank, mabey that's what kill him, you plobley keept taking out the good bacteria that's importent for good health.
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    puffer color

    do all green spotted puffers have their own color characteristics? mine is a solid white under belly, and his uper body is a greenish brown with a bright yellow dimond shape right on his neck area, is this normal and does he sound healthy?, i feed him a mixture of brine shrimp and planktin...
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    How do I make water brackish?

    i have the same kind of puffer and aquarium salt, i added 4 tablespoons of salt. people say that you should use marine or instant ocean, don't listen to them, i been doing about 36 hours of research straight and found that marine and instant ocean salt has no different effects the aquarium salt...
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    Say What!!!!? :huh:
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    fileling down teeth

    my lfs told me that puffer fish teeth fall out at a sertain lengh snd will be regrown, is this true or is he a dumb ass?
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    Dead dwarf puffer

    mabey he got picked on by the others! do you have ammonia in your tank, that could be another reason for you puffers death, they are very sensitive about water quallities.
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    salt/ brakish water

    come on! :rolleyes: it's for my puffer's good health, don't you guys wish just one more puffer in this world would live a happy life? :-(
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    salt/ brakish water

    ok this is probley (yeah right) :rolleyes: my last question before i know pretty much all i need to know. ok, i'm using aquarium salt at the moment for my green spotted puffer and yellow lab, i plan on getting marine salt instead of using aquarium salt but that meens i will be giving my yellow...
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    salt in brakish tank

    Please don't just post a link to another forum where your question is. You may ask here if you want an answer.
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    Thank god im online!

    what's sae? and do you think it could work in brakish water? just wondering, i have no sick fish.
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    green spotted puffer feeding

    for christmas my brotha', i'm getting a 30 gallon for christmas, the puffer is going in the 30 and the lab will stay in the 10.
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    my new oddball

    that's so damn cool!
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    this is stupid!

    good news: the move went vary smoothly, fish aren't stressed and the water isn't foggy, it was smoooooooooth! :kana: go zak, go, go, go zak! :kana:
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    this is stupid!

    ok, but my fish are both doing extremly fine, i know that they might start fighting so i plan to go to the lfs later to get my money back for my yellow lab, and how lond do you think i should wait for the water and everything to settle?
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    this is stupid!

    ok i am about to move my tank about 20 feet but its to heavy to lift so i have to take out some tank water, the reason why i'm moving it is so that it isn't in the darkness when the lights are off that way it gets sun light. i know this might make algae grow more but i'm up for the fight, how...
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    fileling down teeth

    ok now i'm hereing i should use marine salt insted of aquarium salt for brakish water, my lfs owner told me to use aquarium salt, is this still ok, or will i have to change my salt when my puffer gets bigger?
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    restocking my tank

    i'm no expert but i would say, if you have around 4-5 Kuhliis then mabey about 7-8 glowlights.
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    fileling down teeth

    thanks CFC.
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    fileling down teeth

    i keep reading sites, yes i'm doing my research, and some ites say i need not to worry or ithers might say i have to keep my green spotted puffer's teeth filed, do you think a puffer would chew on sand, wood, or a rock to keep them filed?, i am really hopping it would so i can save money.
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    are there such things as freshwater crabs? if so can i see a picture please or a link, and would they be able to live in brakish water, and is big enough to not get eatin' by my puffer when he's all grown up?
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    20 gal. filter

    come on! :rolleyes:
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    green spotted puffer feeding

    what size tank do you have BlueDSM?
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    20 gal. filter

    what is the best 20 gallon filter?, i plan on using it for my 10 gallon.
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    green spotted puffer feeding

    come one, 2 hours and no responce...
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    green spotted puffer feeding

    and.......... what would one recomend to feed the puffer? ( not planktin or flakes, won't eat those )
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    green spotted puffer feeding

    how many of you feed your puffers frozen brine shrimp? mine i just bought was eating flakes or planktin, i then decided to feed him some brine shrimp, many was he yellow after he ate, he was one of the brightes puffers i have ever seen, what could the color indicate?
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    snnail quetion

    what kind of snail is this, how much they cost, and were can i bye one?
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    filter big enough

    would a 20 gallon filter be good/bad in a 10 gallon?, my plan is to keep my water crystle clear, i will still do water changes of course
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    rain water

    it's what i've hered.
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    rain water

    no way, the rain has bleach, acid, and chlorine in it, unless you do a 2 year cycle.
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    i just cant wait tell i get my 30 gallon, i'm gonna tranfer my puffer in there get a crab and a dragon loach, oh yeah i'm putting my yellow lab in there as well, ant for the ten gallon, i'll get 6 neons, bumblebee goby, 2 mollies, and a bristle nose pleco.
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    yeah he sure was, i bought aquarium salt to for his new home, i put in 3 tablespoons and seems the fish is weel, and now i know what brakish is, it's were the ocean crashes witha river it's neither salt or freshwater, it's both! is that right?
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    yep, that's what i have, but i still don't get it, say a neon tetra gets 1'' big and you can put 6 in a 10 gallon that equals 6'' of fish, so why would just 1 6'' fish like my puffer have to have a bigger tank?
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    so your saying a 10 gallon is perfectly fine for just 1 green puffer?
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    i have a green puffer, not a green spot puffer but a green!
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    People Pictures

    not one bit.
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    People Pictures

    fish newbie: your girlfriend is even hotter, your so lucky.
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    People Pictures

    but good pic, you are hott, your on fire! 8)