green spotted puffer feeding

A.K.A Zak

Fish Crazy
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Ohio, Orient
how many of you feed your puffers frozen brine shrimp? mine i just bought was eating flakes or planktin, i then decided to feed him some brine shrimp, many was he yellow after he ate, he was one of the brightes puffers i have ever seen, what could the color indicate?
and.......... what would one recomend to feed the puffer? ( not planktin or flakes, won't eat those )
I feed mine shrimp from the local fish market, the kind you buy to eat. Get the rawest one they have, its basically shrimp with the shells and the legs cut off. Cut it into bite size bits, my GSP loves it.

I also feed him frozen bloodworms, and He started on snails too...

Try and feed him stuff that he'd find in the wild, since puffers are 99% of the time wild caught.
If your puffer is still just a baby the yellow color is just the shrimp in it's belly and should go away a few hours after eating.
For GSP's you can feed them frozen or live Bloodworms, shrimp, clams, muscles, crayfish (you may want to remove the claws if the puffer is too small) earthworms, and of course snails. If the puffer is not sure about frozen foods or chunks of seafood you may have to put them on the end of a skewer and wiggle it a bit in front of the puffer until it gets the idea that it is food.
My GSP is in a 10 gallon, this is just temporary, Ill be getting a big tank (minimum 50 Gallon) in the next month or so. I bought him before I had a big enough tank because I usually don't see too many GSP's for sale at the local pet stores, and hes still only 1.5' long, so its not too bad for a he's all by himself in there with a bunch of rock caves and his little ceramic pipe (his 'krib').

Im going to throw in a sacrificial feeder guppie this week to gauge how aggresive he will be towards other potential tank mates when he gets his new home.

If you have yours in a 10 gallon also, I hope you'll be getting a bigger tank soon as GSP's like their space, and they grow up to be 4-6" long, not to mention they apparently get more aggresive as they get older, so anything in a small confined space will be seen as food by the GSP.

Also, I owned cichlids before, and they get very aggresive when older as well, is the yellow lab in the same tank as the GSP?....I think you will have to consider getting another tank in the future.

Whats your PH, specific gravity, and temperature of your tank?
for christmas my brotha', i'm getting a 30 gallon for christmas, the puffer is going in the 30 and the lab will stay in the 10.
Sea salt needs to be used for setting up a BW tank, Aquarium salt is used with FW fish (like guppies) as a "tonic"

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