
A.K.A Zak

Fish Crazy
Nov 6, 2003
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Ohio, Orient
ok, now i'm thinking about to move all the fish except the puffer into my moms 60 gallon tank, only fish in there are 2 parots, will this be better for all fish, and will my puffer be happy in the 10 for life?
yes, he'd be fine alone. he'd ahve a great big territory all to himself. puffers don't get along well with most fish, even their own kind. in a big enough tank yes, he could be with another puffer provided there were plenty of plants and such to give them territory (read the pinned article on puffer under the oddball section), but as i don't know what kind of puffer you have thats the only advice i can give you.
yes, he'd be fine alone. he'd ahve a great big territory all to himself. puffers don't get along well with most fish, even their own kind. in a big enough tank yes,
so your saying a 10 gallon is perfectly fine for just 1 green puffer?
i don't see why not...... its not like they love to be with their own kind and will wilt away and die without a companion. how big is he? how big does he get? important factors (some of those puffer can get a good size and tank may not big enough, but like i said, i know nothing about green puffers............)
check out this site:
yep, that's what i have, but i still don't get it, say a neon tetra gets 1'' big and you can put 6 in a 10 gallon that equals 6'' of fish, so why would just 1 6'' fish like my puffer have to have a bigger tank?
a six inch fish like that will be six inches long and a couple of inches wide, at least. a one inch fish willhave no trouble turning around or swimming in a tank that 20 inches long by 12 inches wide (or so, thats the dimensions of my ten gal so i'm just assuming that yours is that wide and long too), but a fish that six inches long will barely be able to turn around in ten gal tank. he'd need a 20 to have enough room, at least,and with no other fish in there. it would be like keeping you in a refigerator box, sure, you'd have a little space, but you'd have difficulty turning around and stretching out and feeling comfortable, it just wouldn't be good, you wouldnt have the freedom of movement. did that make sense? whereas with the six 1 inch fish, they'd have all sorts of room because they'd be more spread out. the one inch per gallon thing is a general stocking rule but just doesn't apply to fish that big.

youre aware thats normally a brackish fish? was he kept brackish at the store you bought him at? because they don't usually acclimate well to fresh water............... :unsure:
Juggernaut22988 said:
I thought puffers were pretty small

there are a large number of puffer varieties out there, in various sizes, some get bigger tahn 6 inches even and some, like the dwarf puffer, are only an inch
a six inch fish like that will be six inches long and a couple of inches wide, at least. a one inch fish willhave no trouble turning around or swimming in a tank that 20 inches long by 12 inches wide (or so, thats the dimensions of my ten gal so i'm just assuming that yours is that wide and long too), but a fish that six inches long will barely be able to turn around in ten gal tank. he'd need a 20 to have enough room, at least,and with no other fish in there. it would be like keeping you in a refigerator box, sure, you'd have a little space, but you'd have difficulty turning around and stretching out and feeling comfortable, it just wouldn't be good, you wouldnt have the freedom of movement. did that make sense? whereas with the six 1 inch fish, they'd have all sorts of room because they'd be more spread out. the one inch per gallon thing is a general stocking rule but just doesn't apply to fish that big.

youre aware thats normally a brackish fish? was he kept brackish at the store you bought him at? because they don't usually acclimate well to fresh water............... :unsure:
yeah he sure was, i bought aquarium salt to for his new home, i put in 3 tablespoons and seems the fish is weel, and now i know what brakish is, it's were the ocean crashes witha river it's neither salt or freshwater, it's both! is that right?
You'll have to let one of the others confirm this but being a cichlid won't the electric yellow lab wreak a trail of carnage through your mums tank???

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