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  1. B

    What decorations do i need for my fish?

    i recommend getting a bunch a tall medium and small plants. for take 3 small plants and plant them as close to gether as u can. plecos like caves where they can go upside down t they get to big for most all caves later. bubble dics are also nice.
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    Black Skirt

    i am pretty sure they are just resting it sounds normal i have seen it before to.
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    Bottom Feeders

    i would go with cories or ottos
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    is a 10 gallon good?

    i think u should be ok with the 2 mollies and fry.
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    wow that is so cool
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    ii love ur fish very cool tank to.
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    WOW! i love those pics great job on getting the two together. very cool fish.
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    My New Guppy Pics

    WOW! great pics very cool guppies
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    What to put in a 2.5 gallon tank

    what about a two cories
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    Hi I am a newbie!

    I want a betta, some cories, one or two dwarf gourami's, some danios, and some blackphantom tetra's in it. oyea and a bala shark.
  11. B

    Hi I am a newbie!

    I have beeen on the site before with a friend and liked it so i joined. i used to own fish but i dont anymore havn't for years i will be gettin a new 20 or so gallon set up next week hopefully and look forward to your advice. Also i do know a lot that i learned from a freind so i might be able...