Black Skirt


New Member
Mar 26, 2004
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We have 4 black skirts in a 55 gallon tank. It has been set up and cycled since Jan. We are adding fish slowly. We currently have 4 black skirts, 3 glass tetras (not painted), 6 zebra danio's and just added 4 cherry barbs lastnight.

Lastnight I checked on them one lasttime before going to bed. All had been dark for about an hour. 2 of the black skirts were on the bottom of the tank motionless. The other day one of them was up against the sunken boat seemingly lifeless. But when we put the net in to get him he perked up and swam away. I hadnt noticed anything else out of the ordinary until lastnight. When I saw 2 of them this way. Is this normal for the black skirts?

They seemed fine this morning. I can't find anything on this so I dont know if I should be concerned or not. We check our levels weekly and they are in the recommened areas (I'm at work so can't give specifics).

Any thoughts?
Dawn :unsure:
Hi Dawn,

I'm no expert on black skirts but it doesn't sound like normal behaviour.

I think the latest readings may help...

Hi dawn,

as you add fish each time in this fairly new tank you may get a mini cycle, simple water changes of about 15/20 percent more often can help your fish through it.

My fish lay motionless when they rest. They sit on the bottom or on rocks, plants etc. Mayb that's what they are doing. Maybe they are sick. Keep an i on them
Watch your water readings and look for signs of distress in the other fish, but if all seems well and no other symptoms arise, I'd say it is probably normal.

My black skirt tetras seem to have their most active period in the daytime, around late morning. At other times they sort of cruise around the tank, and at feeding time they go crazy, but an hour after the light turns off it wouldn't surprise me if they were settled down for the night.

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