

Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
I took some more pics of these beauties the other night.
This is one of my marbled angels. I think he's so pretty! The shot beside it is another marbled with my black one.

Its so hard to get a decent shot of my black angel. I'm still working on it.

This one is my largest Angel. He doesn't really like for me to take his picture so I was really happy to get this shot. The next one of him he's with the angel I've had the longest and was taken from the side of the tank:


These guys are little piggies when it comes to food!

And how lucky was it to catch these two like this! Its my favorite of them I've taken so far!

Thats it for now! Hope you enjoyed looking at them!
THe biggest marbled fins were probably close to 7" tall. He died the night before last. I'm still very upset about it. The two that are in the last shot are still growing, but I would guess-timate there fins to be around 5", maybe a bit more. Thats not including the feelers which are very long themselves. One of those marbled's feelers I'd put at a good 6"+. the other ones are shorter, maybe 4".

Thanks for the nomination HeatherSweetness! Just need a second on it now!
I see them now wow the one were there swimming togthere i nominate for BOTM
I will gladly second the nomination for FOTM. I recently lost 2 of 3 angels and am waiting to make sure the tank is ok before trying to replace them. I may have to look for the long finned ones like in your picture....very nice
So do you add more than one picture at a time! Very awesome angels by the way! Ow ow!!
PereguineFalcon said:
So do you add more than one picture at a time! Very awesome angels by the way! Ow ow!!
If you have your pics on a hosting site, you can use the IMG button near the top of the reply page, and paste the link to where that particular picture is on your host.
The hardest part is finding a place to host your pics that will allow remote linking.

And thanks! I appreciate the compliments AND the nominations! I went ahead and added it to the March FOTM list.

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