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  1. T

    Pictures Of My Cory Cats

    i love corries!!
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    What Do You Think Of My Tank?

    Wow that looks great, makes me want real plants
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    I found eggs today! First time...

    well the eggs are gone. it's been three days since i found them, so the timeframe is about right. cant see any fry anywhere though... thanks for the help guys. i might set up a smaller tank i have as a breeding tank and see if they'll do it again.
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    I found eggs today! First time...

    You were right, it is an aeneus, and the other is a julii. I checked with my LFS today. Still no progress on the eggs. Some more have been eaten, too. I wonder if they're duds?!
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    I found eggs today! First time...

    Is this normal? One of my corys is darting about around the eggs--my guess was he/she was fanning them. It does this from time to time. Also, good news, none of my other fish are eating the eggs! Woo hoo! I've been making sure to keep them well-fed so they aren't tempted. :lol:
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    I found eggs today! First time...

    I think I'm going to try and separate a section of the tank off for them. I really would like to save as many as posisble. What should I feed them?
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    I found eggs today! First time...

    Actually, I accidentally moved those while I was scrubbing the side of the tank (this is when I first noticed them!). I know one is a julii but I dont know what kind the other one is. It is a grey/blue color and bigger than the julii. I think it might be an ellisae? Link here...
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    I found eggs today! First time...

    Sorry about that...the pic should work now. That would be really cool to have more corries...I want some for the work tank!
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    I found eggs today! First time...

    Hey guys, Today I found eggs on the wall of my 20 gallon tank today for the first time and I have some questions...First, here's a pic: Should I leave them alone and see what happens? Or should I somehow isolate them so no other fish can eat them? In my tank: Two Zebra Danios (that have...
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    I think my tank is cycled!

    The fish look great. Very active, they seem very healthy.
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    I think my tank is cycled!

    Ok, Nitrites are still off the scale. SHould I do a partial water change?
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    I think my tank is cycled!

    With fish. Doing a nitrite test now. No I havent done a niTRATE test.
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    I think my tank is cycled!

    I just did an ammonia test, and it's down to 0!!! I have to run to work now, but I'm going to do a nitrite test when I get home. WOO HOO!!!
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    Splotchy brown marks on fake plants?

    Hey guys,. Peaked inside my tank today to see some brwon splotchy stains on one of my fake plants. Wondering what this could be... Any ideas? Thanks! -Seth
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    Ammonia is at ~1.5 mg/l

    It's a power-filter (hang on back) made by Top Fin. It's doing a good job of filtering so far. I asked my LFS if they could give me a filter from a mature tank, but they use a really huge filtration system and it wouldn't really be possible for them to give me anything like that. Should I...
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    Ammonia is at ~1.5 mg/l

    Ok I did a ~35% water change. The fish look great and seem to be doing fine. My Blood Parrot is actually getting adopted by my LFS because I want him to be able to live in a larger, more mature tank. They have no problem selling them so he will go to a better home than mine I'm sure. The...
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    Ammonia is at ~1.5 mg/l

    The color looks to be between the .25 mg/l and 1.5 mg/l colors on my chart, but closer to the 1.5 mg/l mark. Is that pretty bad? I've been doing a gallon water change each day which comes out to be a weekly 35% water change. I've had the tank set-up for about 3 weeks, and the fish were in a...
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    cleaning gravel

    I'm kind of new at this but the gravel siphon seems to work well.
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    I heard that Corys would go well with a Betta... Do you think the Betta will have issues with my Parrot (oranage and black) due to it's colors and fins? If it is, I could always put the Betta in his own 5 gallon tank.
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    Zebra Danio behavior questions

    Well I lost him. :byebye: The one that had the ratty looking fin. Poor guy. The other three seem fine... no nips.
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    Another option would be to bring my Blood Parrot to work (city park) as I manage a tank there for the child-activity program we have during the day. That tank has several platies ranging in size, and they're good hiders so I'm sure they'll be fine. Then I could put the Betta in my home tank...
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    Zebra Danio behavior questions

    Thanks for the help everyone!
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    Zebra Danio behavior questions

    Maybe my Blood Parrot?? He's still very small (2" max) and VERY timid around my other fish... not to mention not very quick and nimble... Plus he would take bigger bites. The danios fins look like they've been nipped. The other danios maybe? Ive always heard they're not nippers...
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    Ok, so I have 4 Zebra Danios, 1 Blood Parrot and I'll be adding 3 Cory Cats in the future. Would a Betta be an acceptable addition to my tank and if so, what would be best, a male or a female? Thanks! -Seth
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    Zebra Danio behavior questions

    I'm pretty sure you're right :( I have a feeling my blood parrot got to her once she died because I can't find her ANYWHERE!! And tonight, one of my newest danios (a few days since I got him) is looking pretty sickly and his fins are looking shredded (he's a long-finned zebra danio). He's the...
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    Zebra Danio behavior questions

    I read that the female are "plumper" looking while the males aren't. Going on day 4 that I can't find her. If she died, I still can't find her... so she either got eaten by my parrot (doubtful, he's pretty small still and doesnt move very fast compared to the danios, unless she died and then...
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    Zebra Danio behavior questions

    Hey everyone. I have a couple questions regarding my 5 Zebra Danios. My first question is: I have one particular male danio that chases the single famle danio around constantly to no end...he's been doing this for around a week or so. I did some research and it seems to me they were mating...
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    What fish should I buy next?

    My LFS has a few varieties of Cories, so I plan to pick up at least 3 of those within the next couple of weeks. Any other ideas?
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    Classroom Aquarium

    I started with 3 Zebra Danios and am now up to 5 along with a blood parrot. The 3 danios were in there for a little over a month before I got more...
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    Best online retailer?

    To be honest I've just beein going to PetSmart :*) . I might stop into Aqualand next week--I looked them up and looks like they're less than 10 miles from me. I'm visiting a friend who works at Twin City Reptile on Sunday (they also stock fish and supplies) to check out their fish. Thanks...
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    What fish should I buy next?

    I'll see if my LFS has some. They seem like really great fish! Any other ideas? How about some Dwarf Puffers? Those things are sooo cute!
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    Best online retailer?

    Great weather we've been having recently! I'm still deciding what to buy next. I made a thread about it here: Was thinking of a Betta, Cherry Barb, Golden Barb, Oto Catfish, Punctatus Cory, Harlequin Rasbora or Red Wag Swordtail, but...
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    Best online retailer?

    Wondering which places you use. Thanks!
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    What fish should I buy next?

    These ones?
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    Thanks everyone! :wub:
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    What fish should I buy next?

    When the time comes, what fish do you guys think I should get next? My current set-up is in my signature. Some I had in mind are: Betta, Cherry Barb, Golden Barb, Oto Catfish, Punctatus Cory, Harlequin Rasbora and Red Wag Swordtail. Any of these? Or any others? Suggestions and advice greatly...
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    I agree! I really like him and would never do anything but take good care of him. I just wont buy another one now that I know what I know. :look: Thanks for the warm welcome! -Seth