I think my tank is cycled!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
I just did an ammonia test, and it's down to 0!!!

I have to run to work now, but I'm going to do a nitrite test when I get home.

The nitrite peak is after the ammonia one so you could still have a lot of nitrites in there.

Fingers crossed for you matey. :)
Great that your ammonia is down to zero :thumbs: but if this is just gettiing to zero you will probably have to wait a while yet until the nitrites spike. :p Are you cycling with/without fish? Have you got a niTRATE reading yet? It takes patience i know but keep going it will be worth it in the end. :)
I wouldn't... just keep adding the ammonia, about 1/2 of what you were adding daily. In a few days or a week or so, the nitrite will drop like a rock! When nitrites hit zero, then it's time to do the water change.
He's cycling with fish, therefore there's no need to add any ammonia. If you see the fish getting too stressed, then do a 10% water change daily to get the nitrite level down - prolongs the cycle but keeps the fish alive.

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