Want to use python!


Fish Gatherer
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, Virginia
I am very interested in obtaining the python for water changes and keeping tank clean. When do you put in water treatment? Is there special way to do this?
If you're just adding declorinators, just add the proper mixture in the tank and then fill the tank with the python. Or you can pour the mixture at the water that is entering.
definetly python is the way to go Id be lost without mine and crazy eddie is right either way is fine I always add it while adding my new water that way it mixes well
blakwidoe said:
definetly python is the way to go Id be lost without mine and crazy eddie is right either way is fine I always add it while adding my new water that way it mixes well
Thanks for the help, this site is great!
I always add it right before filling (no point in standing there pouring it in the whole time).

What's python?
It's a hose that attaches to most faucets that allows you to drain and fill aquariums right from the tap.
blakwidoe said:
definetly python is the way to go Id be lost without mine and crazy eddie is right either way is fine I always add it while adding my new water that way it mixes well
Should I turn off the filters and heaters while treating the water?
As far as the filter, it depends on what kind of filter you have. I have an emporer 400 and unless I only remove a small amount of water, I have to turn it off when I clean/change water. After more than about 10% water level drop, the filter starts to work too hard to pull water up and could be damaged. With other filters, you might be able to drop the level without affecting the filter.

For heaters, it also depends on what you have. For a submersible, you only need to turn off if you are going to expose any part of the heater to air (dropping the water level below the location of the heater). I believe that for non-submersibles, you always need to turn them off before removing water (someone please correct if this is not correct). In either case, turn off/unplug the heater at least 10-15 minutes before removing water so they have time to cool off.

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