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  1. B

    Fish Pairing Off?

    So would I be relatively safe to assume that the 'Dominant' Female will be the one who he'll likely end up pairing with? She's the one who spends the most time near the male and won't let any of the other girls near 'her' area near the fella. Would I be safe to remove the remaining two girls...
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    Fish Pairing Off?

    I have Green Severums, Angelfish and German Blue Rams. Not in the same tank of I know they all are supposed to 'pair off' but how does one know that a pair bond has been formed? I haven't been able to find any information on how to actually tell if a group is 'pairing...
  3. B

    New To Saltwater...

    Yeah..eventually I'll have more live rock. It'll have to be purchased over time due to costs. ;) I also forgot to mention that I'll be using pre-mixed R/O water purchased bulk from the same lfs these guys will be coming from. Is acclimation still necessary since the water in the tank will...
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    New To Saltwater...

    My husband and I have had freshwater off and on since we were kids. We've got a Brackish tank right now as well and thats going very well. I've always had a thing for saltwater fish and due to some prodding by a couple of my friends have decided to give it a try. Here are my plans... I could...
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    Blushing Goldfish...

    These fish all have full gill plates. The gill plate is just transparent like that of a blushing angelfish. Let me see if my camera has enough charge to get a picture. I went ahead and bought one of them. She's white with a bit of muted black along with blushing cheeks. I wouldn't call...
  6. MVC_100S.JPG


  7. B

    Blushing Goldfish...

    Is there a color variety of Goldfish known as a Blusher? I ask as my lfs has several young Fancytail Goldfish who have transparent gill plates giving them the appearance of blushing (like a blushing Angelfish). They're very pretty looking and I'm greatly considering picking one up as I've...
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    Pool Filter Sand...

    I paid $7.99 for 50lbs of it. :nod: andywg: The clownknifes, catfish, angels and severums all have larger tanks on the way. None are large enough yet to require a huge tank. ;) I suppose their current tanks could be defined as 'Grow out' tanks. I'll make sure to specify that in...
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    Pool Filter Sand...

    There isn't anything on the bag warning not to use it in aquariums. It just says the brand name 'Hercules' and that it's pool filter sand. It's quartz sand according to the bag. I considered play sand but it's too fine and dirty for me. I don't have the ambition to sit cleaning sand for...
  10. B

    Pool Filter Sand...

    First, let me just let ya'll know that I'm new to using sand, so pardon my silly questions. :P I am wanting to finish switching the rest of my tanks over to sand however it'd be $60 to $80 each tank if I tried using the sand from the lfs. I purchased some Pool Filter Sand last night...
  11. B

    Severums And Cory Cats..

    When all is said and done I'll be left with two or three Severums. Right now I've got 8 appox. 1" babies in a 20 gallon. Very little aggression amongst themselves, rather peaceful lot. The tank is being overfiltered with weekly 25% waterchanges at present. Later on this weekend the babies will...
  12. B

    Severums And Cory Cats..

    As I said in my original post, the Channel Catfish won't be staying with the Severums much longer. The Severums are moving to a bigger tank while the Channel Cat moves to it's own new bigger home. I'm aware that the catfish will get quite large. I've got a pond lined up for him to move into...
  13. B

    Severums And Cory Cats..

    I have several Juvenile Green Severums and am wondering what species of fish they could safetly be housed with. I'm a huge fan of Cory cats. Would a shoal of Corys be okay in a tank with Severums? I wonder due to the difference in size as maturity. At the moment my Severums are living with my 3"...
  14. B

    In Need Of Opinions..

    Thanks for coming to check out my :) I'm new to Angelfish but not new to fish. My husband and I just made a trip up to Michigan to pick up my first Angels from a breeder there. I refuse to buy pet store fish as prospective breeders. I did a ton of research prior to making...
  15. B

    Sponge Filters

    Drs Foster & Smith have cheap Sponge Filters and Cheap shipping. PetSolutions does too. You also may check
  16. B

    Forum Siggys;5.../k/5e68/age.png The above is the URL. The exact error I get when I try to include it in the siggy is as follow: 'Sorry, dynamic pages in the [IMG] tags are not allowed' It'd been in the siggy and operating fine before I went to edit my Sig to...
  17. B

    Forum Siggys

    Yes I am aware my siggy was not in compliance . ;) I was in the process of getting it updated when I noticed I couldn't use my 'Ticker' anymore for whatever reason. My editing was abandoned until I find out for certain why I can no longer insert the URL for my ticker. Anyhow I've got it...
  18. B

    Forum Siggys

    I had a 'TickerFactory' bar in my siggy showing the growth progress of my fry. I just went to update my siggy and found that it said I could not have 'Dynamic URLs' in the [img] blocks or something like that. Huh? I had to take my growth status bar off my siggy as it won't let me have it...
  19. B

    Belated Fry Announcement..

    My camera has some issues so I haven't been able to get any new pictures yet. :/ I wanted to give ya'll an update on my fry though. The twins are still alive, not very big but they are alive. As far as the fry in the main tank, well....they're growing like weeds. Ones that I assume...
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    How To Influence Sex Of Fry

    This has been discussed a couple other times... I'm still waiting to see the results of my High Temp/High PH raised fry to check the theories.
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    Going On Vacation Without Baby Swordtail Fry

    I'm in the same boat...sorta. I've got 20+ fry in my main tank and 3 in my 'Nursery' tank. I'll only be gone a week however. I'm fairly certain the fry in the main tank will fare just fine in my absence but the same can't be said for the Nursery. I'm considering having my father stop by...
  22. B

    Swordtail Aggression...

    I thought perhaps the aggression between Diana and Lilly was related to a dominance issue but I wasn't sure if fish did heirarchies or not. Being a schooling fish, it does stand to reason that could be a potential reason. Diana is bigger then Lilly and Anna so it'd stand to reason she'd be...
  23. B

    Swordtail Aggression...

    :unsure: Alrighty...first things first. I have a 20g. long, filtered by a Penguin 150 Biowheel. I give a 25% water change once a week and sweep gravel at least once a month. This tank is cycled and has been set up and running for about two months, perhaps a tad longer. I have one...
  24. B

    Swordtail Color Varieties...

    I've looked over that website before but it's not quite what I'm looking for. What I'm looking for is more like how on the Platy profile page here in the forum folks have submitted pictures of certain varieties and have given the name of the color. Only difference being I'm looking for...
  25. B

    Belated Fry Announcement..

    Well...the fry are 14 days old today and the twins are still alive. They appear that they'll be Red Velvets as they're beginning to take on a slightly reddish cast as they get slowly bigger. They are growing...just not as much as the other fry. I'm assuming that the twins may have...
  26. B

    Tank Temperature And Fry Growth

    I've read that too in a few places but I've also read that PH is also a factor influencing gender. This threads not really about gender though. :lol: I guess it is now. New question then... If hypothetically High Temp = Faster growth and High Temp also = more males...what happens...
  27. B

    Tank Temperature And Fry Growth

    I've been doing a LOT of reading since my fry were born. So far I've found several websites stating that a temperature of 78 to 80 degrees F is beneficial for fry growth. The basic jist of it is that higher temperatures = higher metabolisms in the fry. Higher metabolisms = eating...
  28. B

    pH And Fry Results Thread

    Hmmm...I'll definantly keep ya'll posted on the gender ratio of my fry. I have a PH of 7.6 - 7.8 (PH test isn't terribly specific) so it's rather high. My temperature hovers at 78 - 80 degrees F so they're growing fast. I'm actually hoping for more females than males. It'll be interesting...
  29. B

    My Tank

    Thanks! I'm working on getting some decent pictures of my fish. Darn hard to get this digital camera to focus properly with them always moving around here and
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    Belated Fry Announcement..

    Managed to get some pictures of a couple of the other fry a couple days ago. Here they are:
  31. MVC_041S.JPG


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  33. MVC_035S.JPG


  34. B

    My Tank

    This tank is Swordtails exclusively. :nod: The occupants are as follows: Spike - Red Wag Male Anna - Green Wag Female Sassy - Red Velvet Female Lilly - Red Velvet Female Shelly - Pineapple Female Diana - Pineapple Female Approx. 20 to 40 Fry...Green Wag, Red Wag, Green, Pineapple and Red...
  35. MVC_049S.JPG


  36. MVC_045S.JPG


  37. MVC_054S.JPG


  38. B

    Belated Fry Announcement..

    Swordtails...hehe...not guppies. Thanks bunches though. I think they've stopped growing though. :sad:
  39. B

    Belated Fry Announcement..

    The twins are still alive and doing well. They're smaller than the fry in the main tank but I expected that. The main tank has a high temperature and I've read several places that fry housed with higher temps grow faster. The fry in the main tank are rather bold and swim around all over the...
  40. B

    Belated Fry Announcement..

    Posted twice somehow. Ooops.