Forum Siggys


New Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
NW Ohio
I had a 'TickerFactory' bar in my siggy showing the growth progress of my fry. I just went to update my siggy and found that it said I could not have 'Dynamic URLs' in the blocks or something like that. Huh?
I had to take my growth status bar off my siggy as it won't let me have it. Can we no longer have these?
Finally! they're annoying anyway.

Due the excessive space taken up by some signatures we have come to the decission to limit signatures to just 5 lines of standard sized text or one picture/gif (maximum size of 100k or 400px wide x 300px tall) and 2 lines of text, large text should be treated as a picture and limited to 2 lines. If your signature exceeds this please alter it to within the new guidelines ASAP. Failure to amend signatures will result in moderator edits.

just so you know, your breaking one of the signiture rules (like many others are too)
Yes I am aware my siggy was not in compliance . ;) I was in the process of getting it updated when I noticed I couldn't use my 'Ticker' anymore for whatever reason. My editing was abandoned until I find out for certain why I can no longer insert the URL for my ticker. Anyhow I've got it updated now so I don't irritate anyone.

Annoying or not, I didn't see that the 'tickerfactory' bars were a problem but perhaps thats just me. It's not as though they take up much space being quite narrow in size. I hope they aren't something that was banned from the forum. I found them a cute way to announce your fry (not to mention to keep track of their age).
Hmm, strange. What's the URL you're using? I've had trouble with the forum blocking some characters, myself.;5.../k/5e68/age.png

The above is the URL. The exact error I get when I try to include it in the siggy is as follow: 'Sorry, dynamic pages in the
I think the baby ones are kinda funny... the ones that have a picture of how big the baby is and it says something like ''my fingernails are forming''... or something weird like that.. I used to like looking at those.

This forum doesn't seem to have a problem with loading signatures... I've been to some forums that don't allow pictures in signatures, or avatars, because it slows the site down really badly.

Some people do have signatures that are way too big.. I really only have mine so I can scroll down a page and see where I posted.

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