Belated Fry Announcement..

Siamese twin guppies! Thats so cool! :D

I hope they live!

Best of luck to you and the fish! :good:

Swordtails...hehe...not guppies. Thanks bunches though. I think they've stopped growing though. :sad:

Oops! For some reason I thought they were guppies. :X Sorry!

Thats too bad they stopped growing. :( Maybe they will suprise you yet? :/

Well, still hoping for the best! :good:
Managed to get some pictures of a couple of the other fry a couple days ago. Here they are:


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AAAWWW! Fry are so cute! I hope they do well, and I hope the twins start growing again. :)
I had Seimese Swordtail fry once put they were stuck together by the head. It was so sad :-( . They could not swim properly or even eat. They died two days after being born. But the rest of my fry are fine. I have 54 fry right at the moment and. 18 guppies and 36 swortails. Hope that your seimese fry gets to live.
Well...the fry are 14 days old today and the twins are still alive. They appear that they'll be Red Velvets as they're beginning to take on a slightly reddish cast as they get slowly bigger. They are growing...just not as much as the other fry. I'm assuming that the twins may have difficulty eating enough food to provide ample growth. That or the location they are conjoined is affecting how well they metabolize their food. It's also possible that they share just one stomach, in which case the food is being used up faster then their bringing it in. Hard to say...but...they ARE still alive. :good: I'm going to try to get a new picture of them this afternoon after their tank has it's water change.

The fry in my main tank are huge (a bit larger than 1/2 inch) compared with the three in the 'Nursery' tank as I said in my post regarding temperature and Whats the 'typical length for a 14 day old fry? They're all happily swimming around with the adults. :) I'm considering trading in a couple of my adults for store credit at my lps and keeping a few of my firstborn fry to replace them.
Well I cant wait to see the picture of the seimese twins :hey:. I wish my seimese got to live :( . Well If you did have healthy parents from your fry you should keep them. They will give you fry about every 4 or 6 weeks max. If unhealthy it can take months. To make the next generation of fry healthy feed them live foods, which will make the fry healthier. Good look :good:
My camera has some issues so I haven't been able to get any new pictures yet. :/ I wanted to give ya'll an update on my fry though.
The twins are still alive, not very big but they are alive. As far as the fry in the main tank, well....they're growing like weeds. Ones that I assume will be pineapple swords have orange fins, the red wags have their black fins..two have black There is an assortment of colors from what I can see so far.
The higher the temp the more likely they are to be male. This is true. I kept my guppy fry at 82*F And 18 were male and 1 was a Female. The males are a mix of the leopard pattern, blue and red and the female is just the leopard print.

wow i've never seen siamese twin guppies b-4!! that is very cool thanks for sharing the pic...i hope they make it !!!!!

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