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    Okay, not to get into a water temperature war or anything, but... I believe the absolute minimum temp for bettas is more like 65°F. And optimal means just that...optimal. That doesn't mean that a fish can't be perfectly healthy (notice I said healthy, not just happy) at any temp other than...
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    New Babies -- Born 1/13/06

    I will be really interested to see what colors you get. That just looks like a really interesting pair to breed. :D
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    Gabriel's Spawn Diary -- F2

    I know there's a good possibility of that. But redloss is a trait that I would like to introduce. And if I then breed the resulting offspring of that spawn to each other, I should be able to reproduce the colors of the original pair. Granted, I may only get a handful that have the very clean...
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    Why Dont People Listen

    Nothing beats stupid people when you need a good laugh. :lol: Sad thing is there are SO MANY of them...and they seem to like working in pet shops. :blink:
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    New Babies -- Born 1/13/06

    Wow...what color is that? She looks sort of yellow, but is that irrodescence I see on her fins? From this picture, she seems to be a somewhat unusual color. :) Did you plan this spawn for a specific result? Or just to see what you would get? Sorry. I know I ask a lot of questions. :D
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    Betta Out Of Water

    I've had a bit of experience myself with little jumpers like that. I'm not sure exactly how long bettas can actually survive out of water, but I DO KNOW that they can lay on the floor for hours and still be okay (that one is not from my personal experience). I have to agree that adding a...
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    New Babies -- Born 1/13/06

    Is that a picture of the father that you use as your avatar? What does the mother look like? I'm just a curious one, ain't I? :)
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    Is There Anything Wrong With My Betta

    Well...sorry to say, it may be that he is getting old. If he was fully grown when she won him, he may have already been a year old or better. He was probably a pet store fish to begin with, and unfortunately they sometimes sell older fish. A year old doesn't sound so bad unless you consider...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    Uh oh, guess the cat's out of the bag! :crazy:
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    I forgot to note another experimental part of this spawn. I had read that fish that are exposed to temperature fluctuations early in life (such as the normal day/night fluctuation they would experience in the wild) tend to be more tolerant of temperature fluctuations in adulthood. So when it...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    UPDATE: Last time I got a decent count, there were about 50 fry. As of this morning, a number of them are freeswimming. I started feedings with vinegar eels and microworms, but my first batch of brine shrimp still aren't hatching. :grr: As for using another male to inspire jealousy...I did...
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    Spawn Diary V1 ~ Maui + Kula

    OOh!! OOh!! I'm gonna hyperventilate and fall out of my chair! *breath in -- breath out* They are SO pretty! I LOVE marbles. How does the adoption thing work? <--NEWBIE Sorry, I'm just so excited after looking at the pictures of the parents and the latest pictures of the offspring and...
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    Gabriel's Spawn Diary -- F2

    Hey, it's Sabrina. I finally went and registered on here. I really have been following this spawn diary, though. I don't have any pics of the fish art to show you yet, but I did post my own spawn diary just a little bit ago. I have baby fishies!! I'm so happy! :D BTW, I think I might...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    I guess I should probably add a few details about the conditioning of the breeding pair. I have each of my adult fish in a half-gallon Rubbermaid canister. These work well for me since they are still short enough to fit in a bookcase shelf without having to squeeeeeze in to feed them. I keep...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    This is my first spawning attempt since I had to get out of the hobby a few years ago. I was anxious to get some baby fishies to watch grow, so my choices of breeding stock were quite limited this time. Anyway, here goes: The father of this spawn is George, my HM from Thailand. As you can...
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    Just Getting Back Into The Hobby & New Here

    Hello everyone. I'm Sabrina. I'm just getting back into the fish hobby. My fish of choice is the Betta Splendens. I love everything about these fish. I'm just getting started again with breeding them, so my breeding stock and equipment is pretty limited. But I look forward to sharing...