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  1. D

    Nutrafin Natural Co2 System

    If yer just gonna use yeast with nutrafin, just use a DIY method. Its cheaper. And no fish waste does not fertalize the plants properly. You'd be doing better good to dose EI than add CO2.
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    Why Are My Fish At The Surface?

    My water temp has raised about 2 degrees in the past 24 hours. All my fish are not swimming around the whole tank. They are just chillin at the surface, real calm. Why? Its a planted tank, dosing EI, injecting CO2 via DIY. They are not as active as normal, most are just hanging out by the...
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    My Kribs Like Human Faeces!

    yeh one of my kribs is a bully. nipps the fins of my 3 angel fish, and just about everything else. and here i thought the biggest angel was ruling the roost of my community tank. well i hope my krib calms down, cuz its so darn perdy. doesnt like poop though, i saw a tetra dookey and the krib...
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    My Kribs Like Human Faeces!

    HAHA people are so uptight
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    Got My Extinguisher - Now What?

    Thanks 2pods! Yer the man! :good:
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    Got My Extinguisher - Now What?

    I did a search bu couldnt find a thread giving instructions to set thi up. I have been dying to get a pressurized CO2 system for my tank because the DIY levels vary so much. Is there a thread with step by step instructions listing everything you need? If not would anyone want to assemble a post...
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    Plecos And Angel Fish

    I've got 3 angels in a community with 2 plecs. I even have a dwarf puffer. provide enough distraction for them and they wont bother anybody, except maybe eachother. but just angels and plecs would be fine.
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    Pic Of One Of My Kribs

    Thats what I was figuring cuz of its behavior. Thanks for clearing that up!
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    Pic Of One Of My Kribs

    Here's a picture. Is it male or female? I thought the pink belly meant it was a female, but this one chases the other smaller one around alot who does not have a pink belly. Thanks. Also about what length are they sexually mature. The one pictured is about 1.5 inches maybe a little longer. This...
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    Tank Black Out

    The pics are kinda grainy, and as u can see the plants REALLY missed the light Dwarf Puffer: Krib: Tank:
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    Just Upgraded Lighting!

    You better get some wood putty!! yikes
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    Tank Black Out

    Wow. What a huge difference, my water is crystal clear. The plants missed the light :( but they will be ok. Tank looks brand new.
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    Update Following "trying Not To Get Discouraged"

    That sucks :( I had the same problem. Green water for the past 2 weeks, I did water changes, etc. I do not use pressurized CO2, I use DIY. But none the less I still use CO2, my tank has a good mass of plants and out of desperation, I blacked out the tank. I will remove the black garbage bags...
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    Ei Gone Drastically Wrong

    Where can I buy EI ferts? Can you give me a list of what you are using, like brand name and whatnot? Thanks.
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    Tank Black Out

    I should have taken a picture BEFORE the process, but I just blacked out my tank this morning with black garbage bags. I have had green cloudy water for 2 weeks and water changes didn't help any it kept coming back. So I was left no choice but... BLACK OUT. I am nervous, I hope the fish are ok...
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    My Kribs Are Makin' Babies!

    Oh man what a cool suprise!!! How are the fry doin? Thats a cool shot of the momma and eggs. I just bought a male and female today. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  17. D

    Glass Diffuser

    You gotta soak the ceramic. Make sure its good and wet. Then squeeze the bottle to help the flow get started. Sometimes it just a half day be patient. A watch pot never boils. I had the same problem, and I have the same diffuser. Mine works like a charm.
  18. D

    Wat Diffusing Methods Are U Using?

    You gotta soak the piece for awhile. I had the same problem, the disk has to have time to get wet, if u squeeze the bottle this will also help get the ball rolling, by forcing air through the disk. I use a glass diffuser I got off ebay. It arrived chipped in a few spots (came from asia) but it...
  19. D

    Nitrate Levels

    I do a 25% water change every week. And I do overfeed my fish, I just cant help it, they are ALWAYS hungry lol. I will cut back. And I will def add more plants. I will look into that phosphate remover also. Thanks.
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    Nitrate Levels

    Yes I fert the tank once a week with my water change using proplant. I use 1 two litre bottle currently, and am setting up a second tomorrow because my glass diffuser just came in the mail today. The swords have some green algae spots forming on them, also black hair algae (i think?) on the...
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    Nitrate Levels

  22. D

    Nitrate Levels

    How can I lower nitrate levels, which read 20 in my planted tank. I think this is what is causing all the green spots of algae on my glass. What is the best solution to remove it? I have a 72gallon tank, with 80watts of lighting over the top. 30% water change every week. DIY CO2 injection via...
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    Vho Lighting

    It was helpful thank you. Where do you recomend I buy from? Thanks.
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    Vho Lighting

    vho = ver high output.. i guess they only have them here in the states?
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    Lighting Suggestions

    somewhat. thanks so much :)
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    Lighting Suggestions

    I have a 72 gallon bowfront tank. I have 2 large amazon swords, pearlgrass, and vals corkscrews. I need to upgrde my light badly. I have about 1watt per gallon right now with 2 48" 40watt fluro bulbs. Can someone tell me what lighting setup to buy that it will cost around 100 bux or less so I...
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    Vho Lighting

    quick question... I have a 72 gallon tank with 2 48" 40W fluro lights. This is very low :( I am establishing a planted tank with plants already in the tank. I need to kick up the lighting to atleast 2W per gallon. So can I buy a VHO bulb with 110W and use it in my hood I have now? Do I need any...
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    Proper Way To Change Filter Media For An External Filter

    Oh wow. I see. Thank you for the responces. I am just curious because I want crystal clear water like I see in everyone's pictures in the forums.
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    Proper Way To Change Filter Media For An External Filter

    Do I just pull out the foam and put in brand new ones? Or should I squeeze the water from the old ones out into the canister and then replace with new foam? Or do you change the media only one pair at a time instead of all four? How do you do it? Please feel free to share your method. PS I am...
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    Co2 Diffuser

    I use the API (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals) GH & KH testing kit. The GH reading of 179 is ppm (parts per million) as is the KH of 89.5ppm. It took 10 drops to change color for the GH. So is the reading a 10 instead? Same for the KH, it took 5 drops to change color, is the reading a 5? Both both the...
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    Co2 Diffuser

    I have the DIY yeast CO2 connected to the intake of my canister filter. Is this enough? I feel like my plants have not improved and I am seeing algae form in my tank. This leads me to belive that the CO2 is not being absorbed into the water. Do I need a diffuser? And where should I get one...
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    Predicting/inducing Birth...

    How can I predict when my guppy will start shooting out fry? I would like to be around when she does so I can seperate the fry. I do not want to use a breeding trap etc. I understand the prediction since last birth to start watching about 3.5 weeks, but this is my first guppy and she looks likes...