My Kribs Like Human Faeces!


Fish Crazy
Jun 15, 2005
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now the titles got u in........

iv read of certain levels of aggresion between male and female kribs but the pair iv got really seem 2 take aggresion 2 another level, its just the female, shes all deep purple in the stomach and quite a round fish but the male isnt that colourful and literally craps itself everytime it sees the female, it gets chased all round the tank and can only rest when it hides in the plants, but since it seems to have claimes a cave it always goes back and thats when it starts getting chased again.

iv only had them a day, well 2day is the 2nd day but i was wondering is this really normal behaviour?
you're sick, that topic is HIGHLY probly have to get a new male, is he smaller than the female, he should be bigger for best results. I went through several fish to get a pair......never post a subject like that again or I will not help you.
Ok, you got away with the false title the first time but honestly now, ever read the boy who cried wolf? no one will help you if they think your topics are just random and fake.... anyway.... you spelled "Feces" wrong.... o well.... Just because they are male and female, doesn't mean that they are a pair... it could take quite a while before 2 fish will pair off, but during this time before hand there is usually some aggression between the 2....
lol ok sorry people 4 the titles, but i amused myself with them and i was only trying 2 lighten a few peoples days while drawing in more people 2 help me. :(

once again sorry people but i do still require help if u would be so kind :D
lol thanks dirtyfishtank if only everyone didnt take things that serioously, its actually statistically proven aswell that if u put interesting titles that may have nothing 2 do with the topic, but its drawing in the crowds.

anyway thats slightly off topic lets get back 2 the point at hand shall we.

if you have a look in your other thread you'll see I had the same problem and had to swap fish around a couple of times.

yeah my Kribs like Human Faces too - everytime i go to the glass and look in they swim up to me - must be my Face - my good looks
I thought it was amusing... Gross but amusing. I recently got 2 kribs I must have been very lucky with them as so far so good. Slight barneys every now and then but generally they follow each other around and enjoy each others company. x
with people that have a breeding pair whats the sizes of the male and the female bcoz mine r pretty much the same size and im wondering if this is something 2 do with the aggresion
im starting 2 feel that they r 2 evenly sized and that i need a bigger male
I would give it a bit longer, mine scrapped for about 1 week, 2 weeks after that they had fry :rolleyes: They eat poo too by the way :blink:
2 weeks! wow thts a bit longer than expected, i hope he lives that long.

would it be ok if i put the male or female in a breeding net 4 a while just 2 calm them down and til the male gets a bit more colour?

EATS POO what a bonus! il be looking 4ward 2 that!
yeh one of my kribs is a bully. nipps the fins of my 3 angel fish, and just about everything else. and here i thought the biggest angel was ruling the roost of my community tank. well i hope my krib calms down, cuz its so darn perdy. doesnt like poop though, i saw a tetra dookey and the krib tasted it, but spit it right out :no:

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