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  1. P

    95 Gallon Tank How Many Fancy Guppies

    There is just one more thing tho...Since you are planning on keeping fancy guppies...Some people have noticed that in too big tanks male tails get torn even if you current isn't strong. When males chase females and other males around in a too big tank their tail get ripped. That is because...
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    Whats Best Sand Or Gravel

    Sorry to hi - jack the thread... But how much of the TMS would you need for a 12 UK gallon/54 liter aquarium? When you plant do you still need to have plant substrate underneath it? Is TMS really a sand or is it more like gravel - because on the photo they show it kinda looks like gravel... THX
  3. P

    I Think It Woul Be Overstocked....

    Hi! I posted previously about how many male guppies I could have in a 12 UK gallon... Well I still have that 12 UK gallon (it is being cycled) and I am still going to put guppies in it. But i just got 5 longfin zebra danios today from a friend and I wish to put them in with guppies (they are...
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    Indoor Ponds

    So yesterday I saw an indoor pond for the first time and it was so cool. It was build out of rocks, it was quite big and even had a large waterfall. All really looked so natural, and around the pond there were a lot of plants and it was really cool to watch. There were some goldfish in there too...
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    How Many In 12 Uk Gallon

    Thanks! Ok, so I gave away the female guppies and all the fry that I could catch today...I am in a process of cycling the smaller (12 gallon) tank so the males are curently in the bigger tank with the fry...I will try to catch the remaining fry today and give them away... i am definetly going...
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    How Many In 12 Uk Gallon

    Hi! I have a lot of guppies in my biger tank and I tried keeping an all male guppy tank but there were some fins nipped and all in all it wasn't a pretty site...I removed the suspects (2 of the males) and I want to try an all male tank again - this time I want to go smaller in case they start...
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    Need Help Fish

    from your description I would say it is a paradise threadfin. Did it look like that?
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    Can I Possibly Keep Him?

    i would say it is G. joselimaianus also called gold spotted pleco. i used to have one. Great personality, but they grow fairly big...
  9. P

    Guppy Identity?

    I love your females, males are pretty too of course but than the majority of guppy males are :)
  10. P

    Male Guppy's Only

    I had an all male guppy tank but it didn't really work out...there were constantly some tails nipped, one of the guppies is now in the qt tank being treated because those little piranhas chewed his tail badly...In my experience guppies (males) are not that friendly at all... I will see if the...
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    New Tank Fish Injury's

    Hm...not that normal...
  12. P

    Xmas Gave Our Shop A Nice Little Surprise

    Cute :) I vote WCMM. Firstly - it looks like one, they are very shiny when young, that is why they used to be called poor mans neons and secondly because cardinals are a lot harder to breed than WCMM...
  13. P

    Guppy Tankmates, Juwel Rio 180

    HI! I just rehomed some of my guppies and moved the in a juwel rio 180 liter tank (don't ask me how many gallons that is - 180 liters :) ). So I now have 15 guppies in there and of course females are already pregnant. I also have one garra and a SAE. I turned the temperature down to 22 C, to...
  14. P

    Finally I Got A New Tank Up An Running

    well they are not necesarilly stunted - they may still grow...I know a lot of fish that lived in bowls for some yrs started to grow very fast after being put in a pond...
  15. P

    Glass Catfish Bred In Captivity....
  16. P

    Cold Water Catfish?

    THX, will look it up...
  17. P

    Unidentifiable Catfish

    hm...and 60 liters is too small for either your current fish or any pangasius...
  18. P

    Help!...more Id's And Improved Piccies

    The first two pics are CAEs (chinese algae eater) - they grow fairly big...
  19. P

    What Would You Do ?

    sorry to hear that :(
  20. P

    Cold Water Catfish?

    HI! Does anyone know of a cold water catfish that could live in aquarium? (not too large than) - the tank is 63 gallon. (This is just a hypothetical question because right now the tank is still inhabited by tropical fish.) THX
  21. P

    Glass Catfish

    There is one glass catfish that was raised in home aquarium - it appeared after the water change (check on the net). But this is very, very rare...So they are wildcaught for sure...
  22. P

    Why Don't My Guppies Eat The Fry

    My adults never eat the fry and it is not because thy wouldn't see them or couldn't catch them...They swim together, eat together and I am talking about little fry that are supposed to be afraid of the adults... But I do only have adults that I raised myself and maybe it is because they are...
  23. P

    Why Do People Hate Goldfish

    good luck :) Tanks are really way better and fish can swim more freely in them... The problem with bowls is also that fish get echo replies from the curved sites. OK, you probably don't know what I mean ...and I am not sure if it is true but I read that in a lot ob goldfish leaflets you get in...
  24. P

    Why Do People Hate Goldfish

    well filters on koi ponds just cost more because people take care of kois not because goldfish wouldn't benefit from filters like that... Well yes,but why are Kois more expensive when they are no harder to breed than goldfish? (just asking..)
  25. P

    Why Do People Hate Goldfish

    Yeah - I hate this too, when they are kept in little bowls with no filtration or room to swimm in... But the reason I started this topic was because everytime I talk to fishkeeping people and if I happen to mention the word goldfish than they just go why in the world would you want to keep those...
  26. P

    Why Do People Hate Goldfish

    OK, where I live goldfish are not as cheap at all (commons and commets are 3 euros, fancys up to 30 in the shop) Ok, maybe it is their price than - material world and all... I also had goldfish and am now considering going back to them after having some tropicals...I don't find them...
  27. P

    Why Do People Hate Goldfish

    Oh, great :) So I guess no all of you hate goldfish, that is encouraging :) I just got that feeling when I was going thru all the posts ...
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    Why Do People Hate Goldfish

    So..Why do a lot of people on this forum hate goldfish? I mean have such negative opinions about them... I noticed that whenever I am on a fish forum, people just think goldfish are crap machines, feeder fish and thats it... Why is that? I mean goldfish produce just as much waste per...
  29. P

    Fry Overload!

    Yeah, I know what you mean, had the same problems with guppies... Here also no store will take them and it is hard to give them away cause they are too common...Try giving them away thru adds on the net...And keep males and females separated to prevent the breeding (tho females will still have...
  30. P

    Min Number Of White Cloud Mountain Minnows?

    There is a thread in new to the hobby about betta tankmates... i suggest you have a look at it good look finding apropriate tankmates and let us know how you are going to decide :)
  31. P

    Min Number Of White Cloud Mountain Minnows?

    I agree behaviour wise WCMM would be compatible as they are not nippy like danios or neons...But they really are not as colorfull in warmer T suggesting this isn't optimum T for them. They are however hardy, that is true... I am sure there are some other non nippy fish, that like wormer T and...
  32. P

    Min Number Of White Cloud Mountain Minnows?

    Just want to add... WCMM like colder temperatures while bettas like higher temperatures.... But otherwise I would say 5-6 minimum.
  33. P

    Which Filter?

    Hi! I want to buy a new filter for my 63 gallon tank, but am at a loss as to which filter to chose... I need the filter to be as quiet as possible, but at the same time I want it to be easy to maintain... I always had internal filters because other filters just looked so complicated but am...
  34. P

    Guppies And Lower Temperatures...

    Can they do well in lower temperatures? How low can they get? Cause I read somewhere that in colder waters they live longer than in warmer waters (but the fry grows quicker in warmer)... So how low can a T be for guppies to still do Ok? In celsius please....
  35. P

    How Much Electricity

    HI! Just wondering...I have one 240 litre tank that is heated to 26 C. We only have 18 - 20 degrees max in our house, so that means that the heater is running pretty much constantly...So do you think it uses a lot of electricity? because it was suggested to me by my dear family members that we...
  36. P

    Garra Sp

    HI! I bought that fish today but also noticed that there seems to be another one like that in one of the other tanks. The woman who sold me my fish showed me their is another one in another tank - they all came in as CAEs but they too realised they are not the same (tho they are selling them...
  37. P

    Something To Clean The Tank?.......

    just to say I too wouldn't recomend you ottos since you don't have live plants. I would go with shrimps if I were you :)
  38. P

    Garra Sp

    This one in the photo is more yellow than that one I saw.(I only see one photo by the way) But when I watched the fish in the shop I did notice it's eyes are orange - just like on the photos. It had barbels also and I am sure it is garra of some sort. Because of the body shape and everything. I...
  39. P

    Garra Sp

    HI! I was in LFS today and they had a lot of CAEs for sale but when I looked in the tank there was one different fish in there. I am sure it is garra species. It is one of the colorles garras (you know - greyish blue) and I am thinking of buying it. But I am not sure... I have a peacefull...