Fry Overload!


Fish Crazy
Jul 15, 2008
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about 2 months ago, i had my very first batch of fry. 2 weeks later another. another week and another.
well tuesday, my platy that has tricked me and some people on this forum as being pregnant (you may remember, Sunny :blush: ) FINALLY decided to have babies. she had 32 babies. i have a total of 52 babies from guppies and my platy and i don't know what to do with them! :shout: i have managed to find homes for 12 of them, but none of the pet stores in my area will buy them, much less take em for free. the one place was going to use them to feed other fish. i couldn't bear to have gone through all that trouble and have them be eaten!. so what should i do?
any help,
Yeah, I know what you mean, had the same problems with guppies...
Here also no store will take them and it is hard to give them away cause they are too common...Try giving them away thru adds on the net...And keep males and females separated to prevent the breeding (tho females will still have young for some time)...
I also can't give them away as a feeder, I just can't do it...
But now I leave the young in the tank with their parents and they survive - guppies don't eat their young too much, at least mine don't - maybe they are overfed :)
It has come to the point that I think I will just give all guppies away, cause I just cant have them multiplying like that and I can't kill them cause I feel sorry for them....

Sorry, no help....But that is the problem with livebearers...
Are you using a breeder net or box?

If so just stop, I found I saved one batch and all 17 that i caught survived and are now getting big quick. Now I just leave Darwinism to do its job!

If you can find a PetsAtHome near you they take fish.
Thanks for your replies
no petsathome near me.
as fro the breeder box, i wanted to save the only batch my platy has had. the fry are in a breeder box, atachted to the outside of the tank with string (yeah im creative :lol: )
Buy a 10G tank with a crayfish. Then put in the fry. Reduce down the population. ORR,

Get a peaceful fish that would eat the fry.
1. i can't affrd another tank. plus can't put the tank anywhere in the house(small house and im broke)
2. i can't fiit a chiclid or catfish in my tank. i had bought a plec 2 weeks ago anf i left for2 days and when i got back, i found it dead and all torn up :sick: . im waiting till i get rid of the guppies (getting rid of 10 today,4 more to go.) and i was going to put them in there. im going to try and sell.
well, i can try to buy asmall 5 gal, but my mom may freak because its a whole other tank to take care o(that would make 4 tanks total. 1 ten gallon, 2gallon fry tank, and i have a 3 gallon for my betta.) know its not alot but my mom might go crazy.
Put an advert up in your local store offering them for a small charge or free to non feeder homes. Or even offer them through forums to good homes that will not use them as feeders. I just collected 9 platy fry today from a guy who wanted a home for them that would not use them as feeders.
try giving them to a home for free if they were about a month old i would have had some the other day, but now i have two pregnant guppies myself



Totally know what you mean by being overrun.
The 10gal that houses the platy never really had a problem until I put in some hornwort. It gave the fry that were being born the perfect place to hide.
There still weren't that many, but te little dwarf platy just popped out at least 20 more fry a couple of days ago, and she looks and is acting like she's going to pop out even more soon. We just don't have the room for them, and I'm not sure if we're gonna be able to find people to take them either.

I think I'm gonna have to do the dreaded and put alot of them in the other 10gal w/ the killifish. I don't want to, lord knows I don't want to, but if we can't at least get rid of the adults (and eventually the fry once they're bigger), then using them as feeders is gonna have to be done... ugh.
I also know what you mean, I had 90 fry(guppies) and 10 golden one and half of them died when i already had 20 fish in there and it was a 10gal. I would recommend to buy a 10-15gal. tank, fern, an air filter with a sponge covering it, and some shrimp (algae)

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