Xmas Gave Our Shop A Nice Little Surprise


Getting old, but nowhere near knackered, i just lo
Feb 8, 2007
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Bournemouth Uk
well came in after the xmas break when the shop had its lights off for the duration, all fish were fasted throughout due to a well deserved rest, planted tank that we use for excess deliveries of java fern and what do i see, well a nice little shoal of.........................................neons or possible cardinals, obviously the eggs came in on the plants and hatched during xmas. tiny ever so tiny little things and eating like piglets, i thought bettas were tiny as fry but these fellows have totally blown me away with being extra cute!!!!, heres a picture of one i caught in the net, swines to take pictures of with being so small and a shame the neon strip didnt come out neon, surprising how bright these fry are at such a young age. With all the problems that come from owning a LFS this is whats brings all the hard work to an abrupt end and sheer joy to see little wonders of life appear from like nowhere.

JEEZE i sound all soft now but hey this job is worth it at times.

(sorry if some of this dont make sense but the forum is playing up)


they must be about 4mm in length each
what a cool story. keep us updated with pics!!
Did you consider the possibility that Santa left them for you? Hitched in on a plant....Pfttt....
Daz looks like white cloud mountain minnow personally, i should oh looked when i was in.
Cute :)

I vote WCMM. Firstly - it looks like one, they are very shiny when young, that is why they used to be called poor mans neons and secondly because cardinals are a lot harder to breed than WCMM...
Baby WCMM are stunning little fish and coz of the bright colour they are commonly mistaken to be something else.

This is where they some times get the name "fake neon"
AWWWW! whats even more cuter is the kitty in your sig!!!!! Ah-dorable!!! ive got 3 kittens myself, 6 cats total.
well blown me down, yes helter those White clouds were in that tank werent they, totally forgot about them, and that would explain the red so deep in the tail, blimey!

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