Garra Sp


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I was in LFS today and they had a lot of CAEs for sale but when I looked in the tank there was one different fish in there. I am sure it is garra species. It is one of the colorles garras (you know - greyish blue) and I am thinking of buying it. But I am not sure...
I have a peacefull community tank, I have SAE (true ones) also. Would they all be OK? Tank is 63 gallon, heavily planted.

I want to know their behaviour - are they aggressive as CAEs or not? I presume feeding them is the same as plecos?

anyone has them at home?

better to put some picutres...
wish you'd stop with the irritating posts, not everyone has pictures to post

To the OP, did they look like this one?

I currently have 1 (the species shown in the first image ) of these in a 63USG tank, they are not aggressive and are fine with community species
I also used to have a colorless Garra sp. (never knew what he was) and he did great with everyone else. :good: Garras are great!
This one in the photo is more yellow than that one I saw.(I only see one photo by the way)

But when I watched the fish in the shop I did notice it's eyes are orange - just like on the photos. It had barbels also and I am sure it is garra of some sort. Because of the body shape and everything.
I will probably buy the fish and try to take some photos when I bring it home...The color was also a bit paleish and I presume the fish must be a little stressed.

PS: I never had problems with IDing CAEs from ottos or SAEs and the like. They are shaped differently...That is why I am pretty sure I never saw a fish like that before in our country...
yeah mine is not as yellow as the one in the pic, (second pic wouldn't load thats why there is just 1)

I bought that fish today but also noticed that there seems to be another one like that in one of the other tanks. The woman who sold me my fish showed me their is another one in another tank - they all came in as CAEs but they too realised they are not the same (tho they are selling them for the same price :)...
Anyway I just bought the fish I originally saw because I am not sure about their behaviour towards their own kind and people seem to have different experience about that...

I am very much impressed with this fish I must admit. The second she/he was put in the tank it started to suck on the rocks and than it came to the glass- not shy at all. Unlike SAEs who were very skittish when I bought them...
Will try to take some photos tho I must warn you my camera isn't too good, neither are my photographing skills :blush:

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