Search results

  1. Ark

    Young Plant Society

    im definately interested im 15 and i wouldnt mind helping out on a planted section ive been keeping fish for 8 years now
  2. Ark


    hi what algae is this and how do i get rid of it thank in advanced Ark
  3. Ark

    Planning A Complete Rescape Of My Pfkcube

    hi im planning a complete rescape of my pfk cube its around 30 litres nominal and i got around 2wpg on it.. (low light for a tank this size) atm it has eusteralis stellata valisneria nana and marsilea quadrifolia all tropica species 3 inch sand bed with 1inch of tetracomplete substrate...
  4. Ark

    Festival Of Fishkeeping

    do u know what plants they added to that aquarium
  5. Ark

    Whats That Website.......................

    im using t5's lol i have 1,6wpg in a 27gal tank now my question is in a tank this size what sort of lvl is 1,6wpg
  6. Ark

    Whats That Website.......................

    thanks dev but i kno how much wpg i have what i wanted to know was wether the amount of wpg in my tank is classed as low medium or high light
  7. Ark

    Whats That Website.......................

    hi can anyone tell me what the website is that calculates if you have low medium or high lighting in your aquarium. u have to write in your tank size and lighitng etc
  8. Ark

    D&d Co2 Kit- Possible Leak?

    in my 27gal how many bps do you think i should have im planning to use the same kit as you..
  9. Ark

    D - D Complete Pressurised Co2

    i was thinking of buying a d-d complete pressurised disposable co2 set for 100 pounds how long will one 500gram cylinder last in a 125litre planted aquarium how many bps should i have.... tyvm in advanced Ark
  10. Ark

    40 Gallon Layout

    what lighting are you using and how long has this tank been set up for
  11. Ark

    Plan And Journal Of My First Planted Tank

    thanks nry do you think the d and d is a gd co2 unit for beginners as i have read that yeast based systems need changing every 2-4 weeks etc and fluctuate too much.i wont get that many types of rotala maybe drop 1 do you think 1.6wpg will be enough to grow those plants.... also not gettin the...
  12. Ark

    Plan And Journal Of My First Planted Tank

    Hello, After much consideration and research i have decided to set up my first real planted tank. So far its just planning because i have my GCSE modules/exams until May 08. I have researched about alot of different tanks and was quite stunned by some of the prices such as the Rena...
  13. Ark

    Site Changes

    i like the new look lol just feels better lol
  14. Ark

    What Plants To Go With?

    imo hagen black river sand would look better then pea gravel but that imo
  15. Ark

    Johns 450ltr (110 Gals) Journal

    how long has it been set up for cuz i havent seen previous pics but it sure looks good.
  16. Ark

    What Plants To Go With?

    how did u adjust the lighting to fit 3 tubes in there as i have a rio 180 and i could do with an xtra bulb in there as think of converting into a planted... ty
  17. Ark


    hi planted i got the same tank what size is yours mines unnominal 40l and im using an 18watt light wat bout u
  18. Ark

    Sam's Now To Be High Light And Tech 20g

    can u give me a complete list of details about this tank size lighting dosing co2 and most importantly a list of all the plants tyvm
  19. Ark

    Planted Tank Quiz

    i scored 13 lots of room for improvement but i didnt understandany of the questions to do with ei
  20. Ark

    Tropica Plants

    ialways go to aquaessentials for tropica plants but they dont stock during summertime so i then buy from
  21. Ark

    Will This Work

    hi i want to know if i can do this for my next plante tank a low tech crypt tank. tank is 3 feet x 12 x 12 i was gonna buy 2 or 3 tubs of the 2.8kg one and this to go on top
  22. Ark

    Jakes Nano Cube

    no as they get to 2 inches 5cm much too big for your tank try these fishes pseudumugil furcata pseudomugil signifer pseudomugil connieae pseudomugil mellis pseudomugil gertrudae etc
  23. Ark

    First Planted Tank

    wat about some heterentha zosterfolia very nice stem plant from s.a.
  24. Ark

    Jakes Nano Cube

    well in ur tank i wouldnt put more then 5 and go for 4 males and 1 female i went with 4 males and 1 female in my 8g and they bredlook at this site and u can see the many different types
  25. Ark

    Jakes Nano Cube

    hi i would go with some sort of small rainbow fish from the pseudomugil family for ur fish and also a good midground plant is eusteralis stellata i grew it fine in my 8g at 2wpg
  26. Ark

    Mikes P F K Nano

    hi mike how did u change ur lighitng as i have the same tank and would definately like to upgrade my lighting is the tube just resting on the glass? Arl
  27. Ark

    On The Plant Look Out!

    y not buy a collection of plants from greenline there cheap and reliable loads of people use them here i do .... Ark
  28. Ark

    Light Broken

    hi my pfk aqua cubes light broke it is the 18watt one any one know wer i can get a replacemnt tube that fits
  29. Ark

    Thinking About Starting A Planted Tank

    ive seen dr foster smithsthey dont ship outside of the us im in uk
  30. Ark

    ´underneath The Forest Canopy´

    wer do u order ur plants from bcuz i want to buy some crypts but i cant find a site that has a wide variety
  31. Ark

    Thinking About Starting A Planted Tank

    hi ive been keeping fish for over 8 years now and im thinking of starting a low tech planted aquarium. i got the tank for free it is the same tank that practical fishkeeping gave away in november 2006 but mine is a bigger size of 40 litres. also the light that came with it broke suddenly so i...
  32. Ark

    Want To Make A Planted Aquarium

    i thought u bought the hood and stuff from the same site i canonly see the tank
  33. Ark

    Want To Make A Planted Aquarium

    can u post a few pics of the tank and the lighting so i can see if its worth it
  34. Ark

    What Plant Is This

    it not an osiris i have some of those in my rio 180 and also they guys didnt have that one his list of plants that were in his tank. that wood is really nice im gonna buy couple of peices of them from here but its always sold out
  35. Ark

    Just Got Another Fish Tank

    why not buy a cabinet from here i did altho i dont kno if any of the colours will match ur hood colour so.. alsao if u ever want to sell it let me kno im looking for exactly the same thing just cant find it...
  36. Ark

    Want To Make A Planted Aquarium

    ye im not gonna do this its too costly im just gonna buy a tank with wooden hood if i can find one and adjust the lighting myself
  37. Ark

    What Plant Is This

    how and why does it change whether it emersed or subsersed. i searched for crypt wendtii green and brown but the leaves arent smooth around the edges there sortof jagged????
  38. Ark

    What Plant Is This

    hi can anyone identify this plant for me i also saw that john starkey has it thanks
  39. Ark

    Want To Make A Planted Aquarium

    heres what im planning to buy 1) a clearseal 24x12 inch glass fishtank from pets@home 2) Venice Walnut Aquarium Hood 24" from - 3) 1x 21 inch Interpet Daylight plus 55w Compact Lighting Lamp -...