On The Plant Look Out!


Fish Addict
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Scotland, Nr Glasgow
A toss up between here and the wanted board for this one, but since this is the plant board it seems the easiest option..

I'm looking for any kind of plants, I've numerous tanks I want planted up. Must be able to be posted, and I will pay through paypal. Please only reasonable prices as I do need quite a number of plants and don't want to pay a complete fortune. :good:

PM me please.

ETA: I'm in scotland, btw.
Yeah, I had my order and everything done, went to pay it and it wanted a credit card. While I only have a debit card. So, if I get no replies on here I'll maybe email them and see if anything can be done.
I'm sure they accept debit cards like Maestro and switch too. Just select the relevant card option.
I'm pretty sure they do... I've ordered from greenline several times and I seem to recall using my debit card at least once.
I'll try again, mine is a visa electron and wouldn't go through.
I'm using visa and I've never had a problem, It might be an idea to call him up he's extremely helpful and you can order that way too.

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