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  1. D

    Guppies Ok?

    hiya guys for the last few days all of my guppies are stayin in one area of the tank close to the corner at the top of the water they dont swam down bottom of the tank anymore. could anything be wrong? Tank is a 30l no other fish just 4 guppies Thanks
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    Whats Up With My Amano? Pregnant?

    hiya guys il try and get some pics later. the belly is lk a darkish colour and she keeps wavin here back legs as if shes moving them or something plus she keeps tryin to take cover. just need to know if she is pregnant how long does it normally take before they eggs come out so i can transfer...
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    Whats Up With My Amano? Pregnant?

    hiya guys iv just notice 1 of my amano shrips belly is a really dark colour on closer inspection they look lk eggs iv never seen a pregnant amano shrimp what do i do? how long does it take? how many eggs does she drop? thanks in advance.
  4. D

    Can I Add To These?

    hiya guys at the moment i have a 2ft tank 60l with in that i have 1 male guppy 10 guppy fry in a breeding net until big enought then they will also stay in this tank also have 4 amanno shrimp would it be possable to mayb add a ADF? or mayb a crab? or lobster? or how about a clam? that would be...
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    8 Bags Of Java Moss For Sale

    arrived safely great stuff thank you mate
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    Cloudy Water In Tank-can't Get It To Clear

    agreed!! wish people would learn
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    Is This Guppy Preg Or Not?

    stupid LFS sold them to me as females oh well serves me right for not checkin up thanks anyway guys my other 1 not in them pics is long and slim so im guessing thats a male to.
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    Wanted - Cardinal Tetra 2.5 - 3 Cm

    hi i have 7-8 for sale but think u may live a little to far away lol
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    Whats Your Favourite Schooling Fish And Why?

    cardinal tetras for me:)
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    Is This Guppy Preg Or Not?

    hi all bought 2 females from my lfs today on closer inspection 1 seems long and thin wihile the other has a much bigger stomach just wondering if its pregnant/bloated? sorry pics aint the best of quality but heres the link(s)
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    8 Bags Of Java Moss For Sale

    payment sent!! cheers adam
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    8 Bags Of Java Moss For Sale

    pm'd bk
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    8 Bags Of Java Moss For Sale

    pm'd ya
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    lmao are you real
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    Help With My Fish!

    just checked on here shes still hidein i cud see into her stomach looks lk loads of lil tiny bubbles or something not sure any ideas?
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    Help With My Fish!

    its been set up for about 2 weeks now i had some filter media off a mate of mine they have shown no signs of anything iv been doin my normall water changes non excess of feeding then all of a sudden i have this problem
  17. D

    Help With My Fish!

    hiya guys, i have had 8 cardinal tetra in my 60l tank now all seemed fine i was watchin them bout half hour ago and 2 of them look fatter than normall 1 not much but the others belly looks really big and all he/she wants to do is hide and leave the rest of the group and be on its own i also...
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    Guppies, Shrimp And A 60l Tank

    try cardinal tetras instead of the neon lovely little fish and in my experiance most people prefer them to neons
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    Cardinal Tetra (where Did They All Dissapear?)

    i have 8 of them you can have for a tenner if your ever down in wales theyre about medium size at the moment
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  21. D

    Stocking Options 15gal

    any advice would be good
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    Stocking Options 15gal

    any suggestions on species and how many i could fit in iv currently got 8 cardinal tetras and in couple of weeks im gettin bout 15 cherry shrimp would else could i get in there and how many? cheers.
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    they are cardinal tetras, im currently doin a fish-in cycle but need to knwo if i need to add anything to the tank/water and how many water changes and how much % approx
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    atm i have a 15 gallon tank with 8 tetras in there few fake plants(till i get my java moss :D) but decided to do a random water check today here are the results Nitrite: 1.0 ppm Nitrate: 10 Ammonia: 0 ppm correct me if im wrong but im sure that nitite is a bad thing are my fish in danger...
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    Peaceful Bottom Dweller For Small Tank?

    ever thought of mayb a few shrimp on the bottom?
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    Why Do My Tetra Hide When I Turn My Light On?

    shall i just leave the light on for a good few hours more than what i normally would?
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    Why Do My Tetra Hide When I Turn My Light On?

    only 2 days but still weird i thought?
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    Why Do My Tetra Hide When I Turn My Light On?

    its a 60l tank 15w light when its turned off they swim around happily but when i turn it on then all shoot under the filter i thought at first just was a natural reaction so i left light on to get them used to it but they stayed under the fitler for 5 hours i then turned light off then they just...
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    Riccia Fluitans Or Java Moss?

    which would be the best to go in my tank atm got 7 cardinals in there want a few shrimp and few guppies thanks
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    Help With My 60l Tank

    duno how big it is in foot the measurements are 60cm x 30cm x 35cm if that helps but when its all sorted how many guppies could i add with the 7 cardinals and say about cherry shrimp?
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    Help With My 60l Tank

    ok great help! il get a api tester kit soon as i can but for the moment how often shud i be doin water changes and how much of the tank?
  32. D

    Help With My 60l Tank

    the light is 15w im doin a fish in cycle i know not to add more fish atm as im still addin bits(i.e some good advice on plants or a bed of plants for the shrimp would help) to the tank just got the cardinals in there until its all perfect to to get my shrimp and guppies was just wonderin on how...
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    Help With My 60l Tank

    ? also any1 recommend any good lookin and good cleaning shrimp if i dont go with the cherries
  34. D

    Help With My 60l Tank

    hi athena they are cardinals dunno if its normall but i put them in 3 days ago they are fine swimming around enjoyin but everytime i turn the light on they hide under the filter this normall as they in new enviorment etc?