Is This Guppy Preg Or Not?

Firstly they look like the same pic, then thats a male.

From the sound u do have a females as their fatter then the males and have less colour.
as for u main question cant answer with out a pic, but females tend to give birth every 4-5 weeks
She does not look really pregnant at all, but I do have to say if there is a male in the tank she will be pregnant soon.
stupid LFS sold them to me as females oh well serves me right for not checkin up thanks anyway guys my other 1 not in them pics is long and slim so im guessing thats a male to.
Here is a pic showing a male and a female that I found online. The male is on the right in the pic. Note the fin just in front of the anus (anal fin). In males it sticks straight back like a sword and is called a gonopodium . In females the fin is more fan shaped.


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