Search results

  1. M

    New Panda Cories

    I ordered some panda cories last week for my Guppy tank. (I've collected panda bears since childhood and had to have some :*) ) I get to pick them up this weekend. My question is I read somewhere on TTF (can't find now) that panda cories where harder to care for than other cories. Is this...
  2. M

    Ich Prevention

    I have also read that any form of Catfish or scaleless fish cannot tolerate any salt. I do not know off hand what the injury to the fish would be but they would not say so for no reason. Here is a link posted in the Catfish Cradle part of this form. I would post a question in that form...
  3. M

    Giant Bettas

    Sounds very interesting! I can't wait to see the pics! :kana:
  4. M

    unknown cloud

    I have found that if I do not let my water set awhile before adding it to my tank I get the same problem. It has too much airation in it which causes mine to be cloudy. I have used Clear Water for established aquariums (removes odors & cloudiness) to resolve the problem in the past.
  5. M

    New Member

    :hi: This is a wonderful site to be educated and entertained. Watch out...It becomes almost as addictive as your fish.
  6. M

    guppy babies

    :cool: Let us know how many fry you have! :kana:
  7. M

    Red carpet boyz

    Beautiful Guupies!!! How about the name Gemini for your Lyretail (the twins because of the split tail) I will have to look into having my lfs ordering me one. That is neat! :kewlpics:
  8. M

    I am SHOCKED!

    :kewlpics: Adorable!
  9. M

    Male or Female Guppy????

    I got 3 that look just alike. They are the same size color and shape. The one is thin but has a gravid spot. The other two are the ones in question. When they are swimming in the tank they are very plain. When they get up top in the light they have the most beautiful teal markings as shown...
  10. M

    Female Gourami

    I am fairly new to Bettas so please bear with me while I learn. :/ I have a 10 gallon tank divided with 3 Bettas in it. 2 Males and one female. All is well but the problem is I looked at Bettas and fell in love with another one. :*) I put him in a 1 gallon tank. I just cannot see him...
  11. M

    My newest Betta..

    What BEAUTIFUL colors !!!!! :wub:
  12. M

    Male or Female Guppy????

    I had some credit at my lfs. :kana: I was in the need of some more female guppies. I had an equal amount of each sex and the males where harassing the females too much. I picked out a couple and told her just to give me a few more females. She has always been so good to me and the...
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    moving my betta

    I found it wa cheaper to buy a 10 gallon tank ($9.95) and divide it. I did buy a filter for it but the Betta in that side does not like it so it is unplugged most of the time. One of my Betta Tanks
  15. M

    Guppy pic that was requested by Chewey

    I love the white tail! I never seen one like that but now I will keep my eyes open for one! I want one! :wub: FOTM here too for the 3rd pic. :cool:
  16. M

    My New Bettas

    I never use silicone. I used plastic lanyard and laced a small dowel stick to the top to hold it in place. It fits nice and tight and that way I can clean the tank easier and move things around if I wanted.
  17. M

    My New Bettas

    Thanks 55. I was trying to get some good pics of Sky flaring and didn't realize I had caught them both until I uploaded them unto my computer. :nod:
  18. M

    Setup a breeding aquarium

    I do as gto_cowgirl said: I divided off a small section of my 10 gal guppy tank. I place my ready to birth female in there when she is ready. I remove all rocks after the fry are born. That way it is easier to keep clean. I put mom back in the main section of the tank when the fry is all...
  19. M

    Female Guppy / No Fry???

    I have a female Guppy who I consider quite small. She gave birth the beginning of January to 15 fry. Since then she has not had another batch or even looks like she might be pregnant. She seems very healthy why would she not be having more fry? Here are som epics of her: Pic of Eve Guppy...
  20. M

    pictures of pregnant guppies

    Pregnant Guppy Pics Here is one I found in the Members Aquarium pages. There are others there too. Good luck on your fry!!
  21. M

    I got my dream betta!!

    HURRY!!! I can't wait to see. I found a free download for you for later pictures. It looks pretty good to me. Phot Editing Software Download If not check out Just type in the search what you are looking for. They have lots of free downloads there.
  22. M

    My New Guppy Pics

    Mr. Freeze does not photograph well. His head is green, the end of his body is blue and his tail is a shimmery teal. We named him Mr. Freeze because he actually has what looks like snow on the top of his head. (It is not ich, just color :D ) Here he is with another of our males, Dreggo...who...
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    My New Guppy Pics

    This is Mr. Freeze with 2 of our females. Mareka & Hershey.
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  26. M

    My New Guppy Pics

    I just had to buy a couple of new male guppies. I just could not pass them up. Here are two of my new males. Mr. Freeze & Adam. Down by the pot you can see Eve.
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  28. M

    My New Bettas

    Torch & Sky found each other.
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  32. M

    My New Bettas

    Thanks again ! I just uploaded some more pics off my camera.
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  34. M

    My New Bettas

    Thank you freashwatergal!! :thumbs: I love your dividers better than the store bought one by far. As for the fin rot. I started by putting malafix in today because I will not be able to get to a store until Friday. We live out in the middle of nowhere. I will pick some maracyn 2 up then...
  35. M

    My New Bettas

    I probably should of started a new thread rather than adding it on here. I will try this first and see if I get any answers. :huh: This is a picture of Torch's tail fin. Is it Fin rot? Her fin does not seem to look the same as when we got her 5 days ago. :unsure: You can see in the...
  36. Fin_Rot.jpg


  37. M

    My first pics!

    I will second that!!!! Beautiful Fish and wonderful crisp picture. :cool: :kewlpics:
  38. M

    Marble, Opaline, 3 spotted?????

    Here is some more information. Opaline Gouarmi Information