Giant Bettas


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
Well, as some may know, I've purchased a pair of giant green bettas from bettatalk. I really had no knowledge of them, where they live etc..
It was a spur of the moment purchase :*)

So I did some research last night and tons of reading and I learned quite a bit. They're not your ordinary betta. Faith from bt had offered me another male to go along with them. I turned it down because I don't have the room, bettas are bettas,right? Surely they'll have to be seperated. But that's not the case at all, they can live quite peacefully in large groups in large aquariums, who knew? :dunno: Now I know :lol: . Single pairs can be kept in ten gallons. So I'm setting up a twenty for the two I'm expecting. They ,unlike normal bettas, come from streams and prefer a current so I bought them a sweet little filter, they prefer cold water and don't need a heater and the craziest part of all...

They're mouth brooders just like cichlids. The male don't make bubble nests, instead he carries the eggs around because a bubble nest is hard to keep intact in a stream. He'll tumble the eggs for about 7-10 days and then spit out the fry, awesome huh? Now I'm sorry I turned down that extra male :X :rolleyes:

I'll keep ya posted and let everybody know when they arrive :D
I"m looking forward to pics!

I saw that on bettatalk's site about a month ago, but never read up on them because I have no hope of getting any.

Just one more thing for me to envy about you wuv! You sure like to torment me!

I'm so jealous!
LoL Lobo, don't be too jealous, from what I hear...they're kinda ugly :rofl: But of course...I have to have them :rolleyes: . I like ugly things anyway :p especially ugly shoes and purses :hyper:

I can't wait to see them! I've kinda been looking at it like a chore...but now that I posted, I'm getting excited :hey:
I was wondering who had bought them, I went and checked and saw that Faith had sold them. Very cool that it's someone here so you can keep us updated on how they're doing and post pics :)

ah im excited for you! I always wanted to see what they look like in real life, are you going to try and breed them to see what the outcome is? if so that would be awesome! :p
What is the actual size of a giant from mouth to tailbase?
Itty Bitty Betta said:
What is the actual size of a giant from mouth to tailbase?
"At the Orlando IBC Convention in June, 2002 several very large Bettas were shown in class G4, Form and Finnage. There were two about 7 inches long and three or four about 3.5 inches long. Gene Lucas called the larger ones, "Two-pounders!" A couple were long-finned but most of them were short-finned Plakats.
I spawned him to a regular sized Plakat female (spawn#111002) and was rewarded with about 50% Half-Giants (3.5 inch) and about 50% regular sized offspring.
Interestingly some of the Half-Giant offspring showed early rapid growth while only a couple looked normal until about 8 months of age and then had a growth spurt to Half-Giant size. All, however, had voracious appetites and ate much more food than their regular sized siblings. Some of the fully grown Half-Giant offspring are shown below.
Based on my limited observations to date I am thinking that the Giant condition is controlled by a single pair of mutated genes. It appears that offspring receiving both Giant genes from their parents should grow to about 7 inches in length. And it follows that heterogeneous offspring receiving only one Giant gene from their parents should grow to a length of about 3.5 inches. " - from jim sonnier's site

interestingly enough, i don't think he is describing mouth brooders above.

could wuv be getting an "betta pugnax"? "A length of six inches is not uncommon. The color is typical too: dark green spangles over brown…The female frequently shows a strong striped pattern (horizontal), especially at spawning time…the dorsal fin tends to be pointed in both sexes, but that of the male has been described as "spear-like" and may be used as a sexing distinction. The male's anal fin is more pointed…with extended fin rays at the point. His tail too, comes more to a point than the female's…He may brood up to 40 eggs, and that is a mouthful…The eggs supposedly hatch in about three days. Then, he broods the fry in his mouth for another 14 days." "Betta pugnax is another mouthbrooder. Dr. William Innes in Exotic Aquarium Fishes, calls [B.] brederi a form of [B.] pugnax, but here is the description from Sterba, 'Sober gray-blue to fine red-brown…Fins yellowish with rows of brown spots…occasionally very attractively colored…strikingly contrasted red-brown colour over the underside of the head and the belly…fins bright red.'"
bkk_group said:
from jim sonnier's site
excellent site! I spent much time there last night flipping through his info and his gorgeous bettas, I must admit...the half giant mix is very interesting. Had I have gotten the second male, I probably would have tried it. There's still time...she's shipping them tomorrow :unsure: *runs around in an undecisive panic*

I threw their filter in my big tank to let it run for a couple of days, rearranged current bettas...and here's what I have for their tank so far...

I need more rocks and the filters not in but so far so good,at least I have a home prepared :kana:


bkk~ I believe the IBC giants mouthbrood just the same, the article I read was actually written by one of the people who showed in the first competition, he purchased the parents of his prize giant betta at a lfs for 4.00 a piece :lol:,he threw them in a 50 and they spawned. Since this was the first year of a giant betta catagory, it was open game because nobody had champion lineage.
Wuv,if you ever breed them,can I have one or two??? I'm serious. lol Just say the word,I'll have the cash waving in your face. :hey:
:hyper: Your very lucky wuv! I would love to have one myself, but have no chances of ever finding a giant. Good luck with them and take pics!
awwww Heather :D ,let's see if they make it here first, I'm starting to get nervous, as always when I have fish in the mail -_-

Alanky~ I am lucky, I was nervous they were already sold but thankfully I was the first to order :kana: :hey:

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