unknown cloud


Jan 30, 2004
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i totaly cleaned my tank about a week ago and ever since then my water has been extremely cloudy but it doesn't seem to effect the fish i dont know what it could be i did a 50% water change yesterday and it still is cloudy what do u think it is and how can i fix it?
I have found that if I do not let my water set awhile before adding it to my tank I get the same problem. It has too much airation in it which causes mine to be cloudy.

I have used Clear Water for established aquariums (removes odors & cloudiness) to resolve the problem in the past.
The cloudy water is due to an algae bloom. Since you cleaned everything, you removed most, maybe all, of the benificial bacteria. You may suffer some fish deaths do to high ammonia. DO NOT do any large water changes. Just do a 10%-15% water change the next few days. Monitor your ammonia and nitrites, since this will spike. You will pretty much have the same results as having a new tank. This will eventually clear itself up once the bacteria colony is back to normal.
i make a large ice cream container it about 12 in high and 9 in across with lots of small hole drilled in it i put this in to my 70g because i didn't want my fish to be eaten. the 25g tanks water is a cloudy green and it is an alge bloom i cant monitor my amonia so im guessing.. other questions how long will it takje for this to clear up i dont want my fish to be imprisoned into the icecream tub for long and do i need clear water?
I had a green algea bloom a few years back. I read that I had to black out the tank by covering it completly. I used a dark, but light weight , comforter. I covered it for 72 hours. I fed through the back, uncovering as little as possible. After I uncovered it, it was better but a little green. We had to go for the weekend. When we came back the water was so clear it looked like it was not even there. I did not loose any fish by leaving them in the tank for the process. In fact I still have those same fish that weathered through the bloom years later.
I realised I typed the wrong thing in my previous answer. I actually should have written bacteria bloom, NOT algae bloom. Bacteria bloom would turn the water cloudy, almost milky white. Algae bloom would turn the water green. SORRY :D
it is an agle bloom the water is greenish white
Basically, you have green water, good for feeding fry. This is caused by excess food and nutrients in the tank with alot of light. You can cut down on the food one night, cover the tank completely as it was mentioned earlier and turn off the lights. Perform about 10%-15% water change. You want to starve the algae. Also, make sure you change the carbon media in your filter.

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