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  1. R

    Good Tankmates For Betta

    ive got a betta in a 2.5 gal and he always hangs out in one corner so it seems pretty has a filter and stays at a pretty constant temp of 20-23 celcius...the tank seems empty with just him in there...could there be possible tank mates for him or is it too small...ive heard of ADF's...
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    ive had mine for almost 2 years now, no problems yet, on ur water changes if the water gets below the heater then u should turn it off to prevent another expolsion from happening and when more water is put back in its safe to turn back on
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    Do Fish Bite Back?

    nah their too small to inflict any sort of damage or cause much harm, i used to let my white skirt tetra nip my fingers all the time
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    I've Got Snails

    other small loaches like the zebra loach for instance can take care of a snail problem too, but they can be semi agressive at times.
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    Help With Fish Tank

    that common pleco will outgrow that 30 gal tank in no time, they get to be 12-18inches, sometimes even more
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    Dojo Loach

    i am getting a 60 gal aquarium within the weeks time and when im finished cycling i would like it to be mostly a catfish/loach community...ive always liked dojo loaches, what would be a good number to keep together to promote good health less stress?...any additional information on them is...
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    Upside-down Cats

    i beleive the family is Mochokidae they are very common at my local LFS, they will be housed with various cories and loaches more than likely:D
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    Upside-down Cats

    i was thinking on getting a group of upside-down catfish for my upcoming 40-60 gal aquarium...what is a good size group for them top be most active and healthy in a community aquarium?...any additional info is much appreciated
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    How Fast Will Common Plec Grow?

    i really hope mine doesnt get too big because i dont want a GIGANTIC aquarium just yet!
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    Common Plec And Plants?

    i have a really small common plec in a 10 gal 2 weeks ill be getting a 50-60 gal aquarium to start a new community...i will be moving him in there once he gets too big, but i was hopeing to have live plants in the large aquarium. I hear they eat every plant they dont, are there any...
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    Stuck With A Chinese Algae Eater

    Miss Wiggle what is this fish that is in ur pic under ur name...i seen them in my local LFS and was hoping to research them for my upcomin tanks:D thanks
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    How Fast Will Common Plec Grow?

    nah sorry i cant seem to get a good pic of it, its very seclusive. it looks simalir to the large pic in the first response, just darker, and it definatly has a large sailfin...its only about 1.25 inches right now
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    Which Species To Choose?

    i just bought a small group of mickey mouse platys and they seem to be doing fine so far.
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    How Fast Will Common Plec Grow?

    I just bought a common pleco from my lfs a couple days ago, seems to have a sailfin, its not even 2 inches, how long will it take to grow up to its potential 12 inches?
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    Whats Your Favourite Type Of Loach

    dojo (weather) loaches are my favorite, i think im going out to buy a small group this weekend!
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    Which Species To Choose?

    I was thinking on getting a group of corys as well...i hear they are hardy like ten gallons too little for a group of 6 small corys?
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    Which Species To Choose?

    yeah it seems that way, he somewhat singled them, out one by one. Because the other fish did not die of any apparant sickness and they were fed well. I'm getting a 45-60 gal tank within the month, so maybe he will have togo in there, and ill just keep the 10 gal as a rearing tank.
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    Which Species To Choose?

    when i first got the tank he was part of a group of five, where he became dominant, and one by one the others died
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    Which Species To Choose?

    Would a group of Tiger Barbs be alright with him in there?
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    Which Species To Choose?

    I have a almost empty Ten gal tank...there is just one White Skirt tetra in there, he is aggressive towards any fish that comes too close... i was wondering what sort of livebearers would work in the tank with him, which ones would not stress too easy?
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    Rainbow, White Fungus

    I have a ten gal tank with a Autralian Rainbow and a White Skirt Tetra, however the rainbow just died of a white fungus, the tetra is fine...i know that there is always a small amount of it in the tank...but should i empty and clean the tank? i just moved which could have caused it stress and...
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    Serpae tetras are my Favorite
  23. R

    Whats Wrong Here? New Fish Die

    I have a 10g tank, orginally it had a small school of white skirt tetras and neon tetras in it, this set up last about 6 months with no problems, but one by one the fish would die, eventually leaving a healthy single white skirt tetra left. He stayed by himself for a few months, seemed very...